I wonder if the "no reply" is similar to the *** of the Windows traceroute. I'd test this but my Chromebook is many miles away and I won't see it until 1/13.
See, like this:
1: 0.131ms pmtu 1500
1: no reply
2: dynamic-76-73-172-97.knology.net 119.110ms
3: 76-73-168-104.knology.net 97.118ms
4: xe-9-3-0.bar1.Cleveland1.Level3.net 102.568ms asymm 5
5: no reply
6: no reply
7: ae-104-3504.edge1.Washington12.Level3.net 135.317ms
8: att-level3-te.washingtondc12.Level3.net 102.696ms
9: cr1.wswdc.ip.att.net 101.485ms asymm 20
10: cr2.rlgnc.ip.att.net 102.262ms asymm 19
11: cr1.rlgnc.ip.att.net 193.578ms asymm 18
12: cr82.chlnc.ip.att.net 102.323ms asymm 17
13: 178.434ms asymm 16
14: 107.549ms asymm 17
GabeU wrote:
I think a firewall or something else may be blocking access for the tracepath. Something's not right, as most of those "no reply" lines should instead be filled with IP addresses and latency results.
Do you have a separate firewall device or firewall program that you're using? If so, it would be a good idea to disable it while running the tracepath, as it appears that something is blocking its ability to test anything outside of your own network.
I'm not at all familiar with Chromebooks, nor their OS, so I have no idea what else to try. :(