Forum Discussion
Callers voice on other end of call is garbled
- 7 years ago
I've reached out to you, IQneQ4U in a private message. In order to keep our community organized, I'll be closing this thread to replies.
JustaMinute - if you encounter the voice issues again please feel free to create a new thread and tag me on it so I can assist you.
Thank you
I just found out about this Community after completing a Hughesnet Voice Survey:
APOLOGIES in Advance if this Seems Harsh, but this is my Experience with the Service:
Since July 2017, when I obtained this service, over 95% of the time that I try to make or accept a call, a Cornucopia of the Following Happens: 1) Call drops 2) Every third syllable is not heard 3) I sound like I am under water 4) the opposite end sounds like they are underwater 4) I sound like a robot 5) I sound like Bela Lugosi in a Monster Movie.
As a result, I am paying for a service that I only use as a LAST rather than First Resort, as My Cell Service is extremely spotty due to the Mountain ranges. I bought your service ONLY because of this and to talk to my Brother in Canada, which my cell service cannot. I AM ANGERED WHEN YOUR REPS TELL ME THAT I HAVEN'T CALLED TO COMPLAIN FOR A COUPLE OF WEEKS AS I RARELY USE THIS LINE DUE TO POOR SERVICE (I ALWAYS SEE IF THERE ARE BARS ON MY CELL FIRST). I ALSO REFUSE to CALL EVERY TIME THIS HAPPENS as I Have Better things to do believe it or not.. Hughesnet Advanced Tech Support conducted an Investigation MONTHS AGO, concluding that YOUR SATELLITE WAS ILL-POSITIONED and that I AM NOT THE ONLY PERSON suffering as a result. Apparently you have NOT yet rectified the positioning and WE ARE ALL suffering as a result of this. At the end of my Contract, I will be seeking a replacement service if this is not rectified in short order. Why have I not yet requested a Cancellation ? Our Mother died recently and I do need to try to reach out to my Brother in Canada from time to time and Pray he can hear every third word.. I also am in poor health and may need to reach 911.
I have opened OVER 10 Tickets in a seven month period since Installation. There would be MORE Tickets if I had the time to spend 1/2 to 1 Hour EVERY SINGLE TIME there is an Issue. On Occasion I have requested and received a partial credit, for which I am grateful.
I am NO LONGER Interested in Unplugging, Rebooting, New Signals being Sent etc as this does NOTHING.
I REPEAT for ALL FELLOW CUSTOMERS Uselessly Booting, Rebooting, Unplugging, being sent to Buy New Phones/Equipment Etc:
It is MOST of the Time NOT YOU !!!
The Issue has been finally verified MONTHS AGO by Hughesnet Tech Support Engineers as to NOT BEING OUR EQUIPMENT, but rather IMPROPER SATELLITE PLACEMENT !!!!!!
Amanda (The Current Moderator) I am NOT in any way trying to make your hair Fall Out !!!I :-(
I Thank You In Advance For NOT EDITING/Deleting My Comments. They are a TRUE and Accurate Representation of My Experience Thusfar.
Have a Blessed Day Everyone !
IQnEQ4U - that is ok, I can afford to lose a few strands :) It sounds like there is some misinformation as Gabe mentioned, because our satellite is in its correct orbital slot and it would probably take a very long, expensive process to fix. However I do see there is a ticket that was related to your issue opened in our operations center which had been pending, so I will reach out to our engineers to see what information they can provide on your issue. I will most likely send you a private message so we don't clutter JustaMinute's thread.
- IQnEQ4U7 years agoNew Poster
Thank You Amanda !
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