Forum Discussion

dfbeck's avatar
8 years ago

Data Usage (Mea culpa)

Yes, Corrosive, GabeU, Markj, once I stared at it for an extended length it started to make sense. No, I wasn't trolling, just being obstinate. I didn't particularly like the new meter but it did work as it was described. Now I would like to know if there is any way to watch data usage versus time without logging in? The reason I particularly liked to be able to do that is that I try to use less data at the beginning of the month so large programs or movies can be run toward the end. I was unable to tell what effect a Playstation update plus a Windows 10 update had on data until it was too late to stop either. (I wasn't asked about either as it appears both were set to update without prompts. I was gone when it happened).


I use Networx to track data usage but for some reason there is only 218 megs used the 11th and 618 megs used the 12th. I'm trying to figure out how Networx didn't record these huge uses of data. The Usage History is an after the fact measure and the Meter doesn't show up as an icon on the task bar, or does it? The old one was an item on the task bar the showed real time usage.


I got a warning on the Usage Meter that said I was headed for trouble if I didn't watch what I was doing. Does that mean I've surpassed what I should have been using for the month or simply telling me that if I don't change my ways I would be in the red at the end of the month? The old method told me how far ahead or behind I was. Needless to say, this was more than a bit of a surprise.

Networx 12Am 10-11 to 2Am 10-12

What is the circumstance of the warning, that I have already exceeded what I should have used or I'm on a path that put me in the red at the end of the month? I promise, I won't debate the issue, even if I don't understand it.

  • The warning is based on the old method, basically saying that you have used enough so far this month, that unless you cut back some, you will be out of data before the end of the month.  For instance, if you are allowed 10GB, and a month had only 10 days, on day 5, if you are at 5.1GB used, you would get the warning, but on day 6, if you are at 5.9GB used, the warning will go away as you fall back into expected usage for that time period.

  • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
    Associate Professor

    The warning is based on the old method, basically saying that you have used enough so far this month, that unless you cut back some, you will be out of data before the end of the month.  For instance, if you are allowed 10GB, and a month had only 10 days, on day 5, if you are at 5.1GB used, you would get the warning, but on day 6, if you are at 5.9GB used, the warning will go away as you fall back into expected usage for that time period.

    • dfbeck's avatar

      I had sort of figured that, what with approximately 50% of the data gone but only one third of the month past. I was hoping for some way to tell how close, or far, from triggering a warning I was, like the old meter. This one takes more ciphering if I want to download a program that could trigger a warning. Otherwise it's a matter of using less data early so it will be there later. Is this a common complaint or is it just me? I'll accept that as the solution, like it or not. Thanks a lot.

      C0RR0SIVE wrote:

      The warning is based on the old method, basically saying that you have used enough so far this month, that unless you cut back some, you will be out of data before the end of the month.  For instance, if you are allowed 10GB, and a month had only 10 days, on day 5, if you are at 5.1GB used, you would get the warning, but on day 6, if you are at 5.9GB used, the warning will go away as you fall back into expected usage for that time period.


      • Gwalk900's avatar
        Honorary Alumnus

        I suggest that you take your monthly allowance and divide that by 30.

        This will give you the amount you can "spend" per day.

        If you go light on some days you will have an amount that you can splurge with.