Forum Discussion

GabeU's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
8 years ago

HT2000W's 5Ghz radio not working.

I noticed in the past that the 5Ghz radio never showed up as a connection option in my laptop, nor in my notebook.  Today, I actively tried connecting both my laptop and notebook, and even my TV, to the 5Ghz radio, and none will connect.  All three are capable of using the 5Ghz band.  I tried rebooting the modem a few times.  I tried the guest network.  I tried changing the security settings to older ones.  Nothing.  It's as if the 5Ghz radio isn't broadcasting at all.  It doesn't show up as an available network on anything.    


The 2.4Ghz band works perfectly for me, so it's not really a problem, but I just figured I would mention it.  I know from past posts that the 5Ghz radio seems to have a problem dropping the signal for some people, and a reboot of the modem brings it back up, but I can't get it to work at all.


With that said, even if the 5Ghz radio were working, I would still be using the 2.4Ghz band for all that I connect with wirelessly as that works fine for me.  There is no speed reduction between wired and wireless, so I'm fine with the way it is.  I was only trying the 5Ghz band as a test.  I was bored.  LOL.    


Perhaps when the next software release is downloaded it will be fixed.  



  • Okay.  Update.  


    The neighbors have a newer Lenovo Thinkpad that most definitely does have the ability to connect using the 5Ghz band.  It was brought over.  It turns out my modem is fine.  It connected without issue.  We didn't really try anything with it other than just going to Google and doing a quick search.  That was enough, though.  


    I feel like a schmuck.  LOL.  :( 



  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    I don't see it either on my list of networks -- I had posted about this a while back, and thought it was because my laptops didn't have the capability.  Maybe that's not it, though; maybe it's actually non-functional.  It's no big deal, since the other network works well, but I'm curious.  


    It could also be 5Ghz radios, like Microsoft, don't like me. LOL

    • GabeU's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      They're in cahoots!!!!  That's what it is!  

      • maratsade's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV

        GabeU wrote:

        They're in cahoots!!!!  That's what it is!  

        It's a simple and elegant solution, I think. LOL


        I'm also not getting the same blazing speeds others on Gen 5 are getting, and now the solution seems clear: satellites don't like me.

  • Gwalk900's avatar
    Honorary Alumnus

    Hi Gabe,

    A quickie checklist:


    #1: Is the 5 Ghz tab selected?

    #2: Is the 'radio' function turned on? (SSID Enable)

    #3 Is the radio publicly discoverable? (SSID Broadcast

    #4 Is an encryption type enabled that is accessable by your devices?


    Off topiic but .... I'd use my own router.


    • GabeU's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV



      Yes to all.  I even changed some things with the security (like you suggested for older Wifi cards), and that didn't help, either.  It's like it's not transmitting at all.  There's nothing there.  


      Edit.  I have my netgear router, but it's not dual band, so it wouldn't make any difference if I used it.  It doesn't matter right now, though, as even if it connected and everything was fine, I'd still use the 2.4Ghz radio.  I was just testing it.  

      • jcollison251's avatar

        I am assuming you used two different SSIDs.  I'd be tempted to temporarily disable 2.4Ghz and see if anything changes.  Then I'd install a wardriving app or something similar on a 5GHz-capable device which shows me the nitty gritty on what's going over the air.

    • Clint23Shannon's avatar
      New Poster
      I did this and it didn't work at all!! Still having trouble!! With the 5ghz not working!!
      • wildcats198308's avatar

        Clint23Shannon   If you have your own router I would just use that instead of using the HughesNet Gen5 built in router.   Your router is probably much better than the built in one which is pretty much a low end router.  I am not using the built in router myself. I rather use the router I had previously.  You can keep all your settings within your router, just plug it into the modem and every thing should work as it did before with Gen4.  When you are connected using your previous router go to  System Control Center (type in your web browser address bar).  Go to WiFi settings at the left of the page the default password is admin if you have not changed it, uncheck the box next to SSID Enable under 2.4Ghz and also under 5Ghz.  Clicking save settings after each change.  

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Okay.  Update.  


    The neighbors have a newer Lenovo Thinkpad that most definitely does have the ability to connect using the 5Ghz band.  It was brought over.  It turns out my modem is fine.  It connected without issue.  We didn't really try anything with it other than just going to Google and doing a quick search.  That was enough, though.  


    I feel like a schmuck.  LOL.  :( 



    • maratsade's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      I guess that's the same issue with me , though 2 of my laptops are newer than 3 years and my iPad and iPhone are less than a year old.  ETA: my pants are on fire - I totally lied about the iPhone and iPad.  Just checked them and they both see the 5 Ghz network.

      • GabeU's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV



        They both see the 5Ghz network but will not connect?  

  • Hey I have the same problem so you you can remove your KUDO now. I want to use the 5ghz so I would like to get an answer on how to get it to work!!!!!!!!

    • maratsade's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      This is an old thread -- you should start your own topic and give a little more information about your issue. Just saying that your 5ghz band doesn't work isn't enough. What exactly is the problem? Can you see the band but it doesn't connect? Can you not see the band? What is it?  May want to go easy on the multiple exclamation points, too.  And why would anyone want to remove a kudo?  Post your own topic and don't worry about the kudos.



      bbasara1 wrote:

      Hey I have the same problem so you you can remove your KUDO now. I want to use the 5ghz so I would like to get an answer on how to get it to work!!!!!!!!


    • GabeU's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      bbasara1 wrote:

      Hey I have the same problem so you you can remove your KUDO now. 



      bbasara1 wrote:

      I want to use the 5ghz so I would like to get an answer on how to get it to work!!!!!!!!

      Start a new topic requesting help.