Forum Discussion
HughesNet Voice just recently stopped
- 5 years ago
Good morning kitnbob,
Thank you for your patience while this was addressed. Please retest and see if calls show up in your call records now.
Thanks maratsade
My last comment , till I hear from the reps, is about the smart phone.
AT&T allows wi-fi Calling when detecting No Data service.
I turn on Airplane mode after getting home, manually start wi-fi so I can us my phone for e-mail ect.
If I receive a call or a text, (cell data) I comes thru using wi-fi Calling.
When I try to call out, the phone says, turn off the Airplane mode.
Thats a catch-22. :smileywink:
If Hughes Voice were working, I would Call my cell.
Please keep in mind that, while some may be able to get it to work, HughesNet doesn't officially support WiFi calling with a smart phone.
That's not to say that whatever is causing problems with your HughesNet Voice service might not also be causing problems with your smart phone's WiFi calling, but only that they don't support the latter, including troubleshooting issues with it.
Hopefully whatever is causing the Voice issue is a simple fix and they'll have you back up and running quickly. 🙂
- kitnbob5 years agoTutor
Hey GabeU
Thanks for the reply.
AT&T just enabled that feature in my LG phone earlier this year and its been working fine most of the time.
The phone was texting and receiving calls in airplane mode just fine. Till I rebooted everything this morning.
The phone basically objected to me trying to text or make a call with No Data available.
I would call the cell from the land line and it would receive the call and then send and receive texts.
Untill that, I was perfectly happy for the past 2 years sending email, instant messages, surfing over wi-fi, ect.
I cant test the cell phone for incoming calls today
because HughesNet Voice just recently stopped.
- kitnbob5 years agoTutor
The latency must be improving at 10:50 PM
after reading your inputs, I tried the cell phone one more time.
miraculously the cell phone called out over wi-fi to the HughesNet Voice number.
so I left a voice mail.
It slowly downloaded to the HughesNet Service Master dashboard.
I played it. the cell, satellite, latency, ..... the message was all broken up. but it made it out the cell , out into space, and back again.
it never rang the phone in the living room.
and the clock on the voice mail is an hour slow.
- maratsade5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
OK, so some progress! That's good, but I hope there's more -- maybe the mods will have some ideas.
Later at night there's less congestion and often less internet latency, so this may account for the improvement.
kitnbob wrote:The latency must be improving at 10:50 PM
after reading your inputs, I tried the cell phone one more time.
miraculously the cell phone called out over wi-fi to the HughesNet Voice number.
so I left a voice mail.
It slowly downloaded to the HughesNet Service Master dashboard.
I played it. the cell, satellite, latency, ..... the message was all broken up. but it made it out the cell , out into space, and back again.
it never rang the phone in the living room.
and the clock on the voice mail is an hour slow.
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