Forum Discussion
9 years ago
I have been experiencing incredibly slow internet this past week, so I just did a speed test.
These are the results of the speed test I just took today, compared to the test when I first signed up. Quite a difference! What's causing this?
Test results can be delayed by up to 2 minutes. Please click here to refresh results.
Date/TimeDown(kbps)Up(kbps)06/29/2016 17:25:32
02/18/2016 20:40:46
1.6 MB?!
Test results can be delayed by up to 2 minutes. Please click here to refresh results.
Date/TimeDown(kbps)Up(kbps)06/29/2016 17:25:32
02/18/2016 20:40:46
1.6 MB?!
- I am connected directly to the modem. I disabled a BrowseSec plug-in that I had on Firefox and ran 3 tests. Dramatic difference. I'm not sure if that is connected to the Digital Ocean thing or not. Chrome Firefox
- Aha! That explains things. BrowseSec is a VPN and VPNs will definitely reduce your speeds by 50%-70%. Turn VPN off and your speeds should be normal or better.
- Daytime stats (will post peak after
8pm) - LizModeratorGood morning Bonne,
Thank you for the tests, this is just what we need. I'll send these over to our engineers for their assistance and I will post back once I have news or instructions to share.
Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.
Liz - LizModeratorBonne,
I just noticed that the host is listed as Digital Ocean, as opposed to HughesNet. Was the computer on which the tests were run directly connected to the HughesNet modem?
-Liz - BirdDogAssistant ProfessorThat's some kind of cloud based provider:
Those are good speeds if going through them:
Somehow she must have that service linked through her connection. - LizModeratorHi,
After doing a little research of Digital Ocean, is that a service you're using on your laptop? If you can disable it, do you notice any change in speeds?
-Liz - GabeUDistinguished Professor IVNo doubt. The average speed of Digital Ocean is pitiful.
- I am connected directly to the modem. I disabled a BrowseSec plug-in that I had on Firefox and ran 3 tests. Dramatic difference. I'm not sure if that is connected to the Digital Ocean thing or not. Chrome Firefox
- LizModeratorAha! That explains things. BrowseSec is a VPN and VPNs will definitely reduce your speeds by 50%-70%. Turn VPN off and your speeds should be normal or better.
-Liz - Awesome! Thanks for all the help!
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