Forum Discussion
Modem Problem Solar No Communication
- 9 months ago
For reference, while signed in, if you click on Remy's name, then click "Send this user a private message", a box will pop up. Wait a few seconds before doing anything in the box, as it can take a couple of seconds for his name to be populated, then give it a title, then the PM.
The PM system is kind of odd in that, if the name population is delayed and you immediately start typing a title when the box comes up, it can mess with the name when it finally is populated, so it's best to wait until you see the name appear if it isn't already there.
Edited apologize for that.
This should not be marked as a solution to your question.
- eco9 months agoJunior
This issue is difficult. The Solar server shows now all is well as far as the internet connection, before it didn't . I did change from Lan #1 to Lan #2 ports on the modem. I still have the comm problem with the solar server, so it continues. How to delete an accepted solution as per your request is the question now, but that seems to not be necessary.
We have had a loss of service the last 2 nites about 9:30 pst. That's a different issue, as the solar is asleep then.- maratsade9 months agoDistinguished Professor IV
When a post on this community is marked as a solution, it means that the content of that post is the solution to the problem that was presented in the OP. If another user happens to have your same issue, and they pull up the "solution" here, they will see a picture of a cat. Granted, cats are all-powerful creatures, but still. 🤣🤣🤣
Hopefully Remy , Damian , or another mod will uncheck that post.
BTW, I have SolarEdge too! It's very useful.
- Remy9 months agoModerator
Thanks for reaching out! In regards to your ongoing issue with your SolarEdge system, I've had this case sent up, and we'll have our engineers take a look into it. We'll reach out if we have additional questions, or as soon as we have more information on a solution! I've also gone ahead and unmarked the previous post as well...although in my world, cats are always the solution!
- eco9 months agoJunior
Remy, I tried to reply using PM , entered your username , it disappears.
Anyway the problem appears to be resolved. All 1's in the codes, and I have no idea of what you asked. I refer you to the message from the Solaredge tech. I swapped the modem ports #1, and #2, then back .
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