Forum Discussion
Problem AGAIN with speed in evening!
- 8 years ago
bkeeper -our last discussion ended with upgrade and cancellation options. I have private messaged you about upgrading and what I can do for you.
Hi Amanda;
Problem is getting WORSE - STILL NO SPEED IN EVENING!! I know you are busy - what with the changeover etc., but would appreciate it if you would at least wave as you go by. Any idea how much longer this is going to be? It is really getting old. Keep smiling -- things have to get better (I hope).
Thanks for your help
Another bad weekend. Wife says to have patience, but I am getting tired of the slow speed. We have been downloading (a lot of) movies during the times when the speed is somewhat acceptable, so that we (have a choice) (can watch them) all the way through without the constant buffering. BUT this means that I have exceeded the expected usage for this data cycle. Thank goodness I had a backup of tokens. It will all work out. I am not giving up on Hughes and you yet. Any idea of how much longer? You must have quite a mess right now. Smile, it could be worse.
- bkeeper18 years agoJunior
Is there anybody still working on my case? Other that the e-mail about "upgrading to Gen5 - I have not heard from anyone for weeks. I would appreciate an answer.
After reading the information about Gen5 -- it is not for me at this time.
We do have the current speed problem which has to be solved.
Hughes spends so much effort and money advertising for new customers it seems to me they would be better off doing a little more to take care of current customers. Then they wouldn't have so many unhappy with their service!
AND right now I am VERY unhappy.
- bkeeper18 years agoJunior
Still no improvement – Really SLOW in late afternoon till midnight.
The answer I was given to ("upgrade to Gen5") doesn't solve the problem. I might get more speed with Gen5 - but, I am currently on the ULTRA PLAN (which promises “up-to” 15 Mbps download speed) and really, what difference am I going to see between the 15 Mbps (I am supposed to be getting now) -- and the 25 Mbps (supposed to get - not guaranteed – how do I know the same problems won’t occur?) on Gen5? In the meantime allowable anytime data would drop from 50 G currently, down to 20 G on the Gen5 plan before a major slowdown. Please read the fine print!
Also, I would have to pay more (a lot more!!) (My monthly bill would go from approx. $90.00/month to $115.00/month for the next 12 months - and then to $145/month after that) for less service? That is an EXTRA $960.00 over the next two years! WOW!!
If I am mistaken in any of the above – please let me know.
I have been a customer of Hughes for years and (with one exception) I have always found them a decent company to do business with. However, with this last problem, there seems to be little or no effort to help. It has been weeks since any of the “technicians/moderators have bothered to respond to any of my posts or emails, and I feel that they are just hoping that by ignoring me and the problem it will go away. I am beginning to think this "slowdown" everybody seems to be experiencing was a deliberate action by Hughes to get customers to "upgrade?"..
- C0RR0SIVE8 years agoAssociate Professor
Not sure what Hughesnet can do, the Ultra plan no longer exists, and Jupiter One is "at capacity", which mostly means that it has been oversold. The only thing you can do is wait things out and hope enough people on your beam/gateway assignment decide to jump to Jupiter II, or wait to see if Hughes offers Ultra like plans on Jupiter II.In our consumer business, we ended Q4 with 1,036,000 subs compared to 1,018,000 subs at the end of Q3 and 1,035,000 subs at the end of Q4 last year. As you know, Echo 17 continues to be at capacity in many beams that's constraining growth in the North American subscriber base.
- Squeenski8 years agoSpectator
Have you upgraded to Gen5? If so, has your speed time improved or is it about the same? We have Gen4 and have had it now for about 3yrs and what we've found out, about the slow Prime Time streaming is that, alot of it depends on the site you are streaming from. Good example, if you are streaming a show from say PBS, it doesn't seem to have a problem, but if it is from Youtube or a very popular site, there is a MAJOR problem. Lots, and lots of buffering which does get quite annoying. We live out in the boonies and for us, satellite internet is the ONLY game in town. I've talked with others in the area and they are with one of the other satellite internet companies and they all seem to have that same issue. I am not sure if there are any companies out there, anymore that don't have buffering issues or not. We use to have DSL, about 5yrs ago, and it also had buffering issues when we use to try and stream videos/movies while on Amazon, but there again, alot of it depended on if the show was one of the popular ones or not. If it wasn't there would be no buffering issues, but if it were one of the popular ones, you can get ready for lots of buffering. We don't have cable or satellite tv either where we are, just over-the-air antenna, so we do a lot of our missed tv watching early in the morning and there is no buffering issues. The worst times, for the buffering are between 4p-10p, I guess that is why they call that the "Prime Time" and that is when a lot of people are online. Anyway, we still have never converted over to the Gen5. Is that any better??????
- lothar08 years agoFreshman
I am a brand new Gen5 user and I love it. Watched a video from Youtube with no buffering during prime time. I do have a word of caution though. This new technology is not as simple to set up as say Direct TV or Dish. It uses Spot beams which are specific to your area and the dish must be aimed very accuratly. Your installation technician must be well trained or your service "may" be erratic. Once its set up correctly you can experience very fast download speeds in the 15 to 35 MBPS range. I highly recommend it.
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