Forum Discussion
Trying To Post The Label Bot Says NO
Thank You Amanda for the update message. So I was correct after all. Both problems I had - wifi, and video streaming , I posted about hopefully will improve. So far, it appears it has been. Time will tell. It was only the last week or so , that there were severe problems.
As far as updating drivers, I use Linux, all drivers are current , if any are to be updated I get them automatically in the updates . My problems were on your end, not mine it appears.
Thanks again for the update message.
It would appear so! Just wanted to relay the diagnostic finding as I figured you may have wanted to know. Other factors we monitor looked good for that device, so that is good 🙂 I will try to get you an update on the next planned upgrade for video streaming when that date becomes available, or pass it along through one our great reps here. I hope you have a great weekend!
p.s. Be sure to check your e-mail later today or early next week for something from our corporate team.
p.p.s I added 5GB token data to your account for the previous speed tests
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