Forum Discussion
Wireless Router problem??
- 8 years ago
You're correct on the i3 being the 3227u, but it's just over half the clock speed of the FX6100, and less than half when it comes to benchmarking.
It's probable that the performance of the laptop, at least when it comes to things like opening and running basic programs and such, is faster due to it being more integrated. Feed it something more intensive and it will most likely fall behind the desktop, and quickly.
Are you using 2.4 or 5.0 Ghz for wireless?
Well, I got off my lazy butt and looked. It is a WD N600. Specs show it is Dual-Band, 2.4/5 GHz. I have not messed with any settings, or dabbled with it since I installed it. I am good on computer stuff, software problems and such, not so much on hardware.
Yes the SCC should come up.
Reasons why it may not:
IP address between the router and the modem. The Modem is hardwired for
That address can not be shared.
The Routers LAN IP should be set to to avoid conflict.
The router is set to (which I assume is no problem)
The reason I started all this is because it only made sense to me that the SCC should show up, regardless of satellite signal problems. It seemed it should be static information that is available at all times, via the modem. We have been having this problem for about 6 months, and I finally got around to searching for solutions. The SCC page idea hit me. If the SCC is not popping up right away, then the signal from the Router should be at fault, not the modem or signal. In the past, *older modem, 4000* the SCC always came up, usually with the Red or Yellow problem buttons.
Again, no connection problems on other wireless connections, including my phone hotspot. So, I was discounting the computer as a problem.
Thank you for the reply.
Hello bos2420,
Thanks for posting. Yes, you are correct. Since the SCC resides on the modem, it should show up regardless of signal quality. I also pulled up your account to double check your system and the diagnostics show that the internet connectivity is good. The issue is most likely on your home network side. Thanks.
- bos24208 years agoJunior
My thanks to everyone who replied, and special thanks to Aedan for that specific information. That is what I thought.
I installed the new router yesterday morning, and I have had ZERO time outs or failure to loads. It is going to be hard to get used to perfect internet service. My solitare game is going to suffer also (I would play solitare while the problem fixed itself)
Again, THANKS!!
- maratsade8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Can the mods move topics? I think this topic should be moved to Tech Support, since this board was set up for off topic discussions.
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