Forum Discussion
New Gen5 WiFi doesn't work reliably
Does the Gen5 Wifi suck as bad as the Gen4? Can't wait until Verizon or ANYONE is able to compete out here in this area. Literally spend half of my PC time playing Spider Solitaire or Mahjong because Hughes Net is so awful and outrageously priced for so little. (There might be some internet out Californee way)
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
This is a support site, not a complaint site. If you would like help with your issue, please create a new topic in the "Tech Support" section by clicking on the blue "Create a topic" button on the upper right while within said section. Please describe the issue, and what you have done thus far, if anything, to try to fix the problem or to have the problem fixed.
- maratsade8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
vhoori27 wrote:Does the Gen5 Wifi suck as bad as the Gen4? Can't wait until Verizon or ANYONE is able to compete out here in this area. Literally spend half of my PC time playing Spider Solitaire or Mahjong because Hughes Net is so awful and outrageously priced for so little. (There might be some internet out Californee way)
Verizon is spectacularly crappy where I live and Hughesnet is WAY better -- I've had HN for over 10 years, with very minimal issues -- can't say the same thing for Verizon. You may of course have a different experience when they come to your area.
- honeyshouse078 years agoNew Member
I also have been locked into having GEN4 for almost 2 years and it is by far the worst internet provider I have ever experienced. I am switiching to Verizon on my phone and will be using hotspot, so far it has worked marvelous.
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