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Bad service

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Bad service

We have been experiencing complete outages but they only lasted a few minutes. Now we have had our internet slowed down to almost completely unuseable rates. I spent time with tech support and all they were trained to do is sell me more data. If there is a hardware problem, why can’t they just admit it. This is causing me to consider Starlink who is having rave reviews.  I have been a long time customer so it is sad that loyalty means nothing in todays world.

Distinguished Professor IV

When your internet slows down, does the system control center display a particular error message? If so, please post it here so the HN reps on this site can check what may be going on. 


If you have another ISP available, maybe it would be a good idea for you to go that route. You may not even be under contract anymore and might be able to just cancel the account without penalties. 




I do not have a control center that I am aware of.  When the internet is completely out only two lights are lit on the router.  When I am experiencing slower than normal service all the lights are lit on the router like normal.  I also have a VOIP phone box that works fairly well when the internet is working like it should.


I don’t know if any of this information helps, but it is starting to look like Starlink may be the solution.

Distinguished Professor IV

Try going to!/home/information.  The SCC doesn't need the internet to work, but  you need to have your WiFi working, and if it isn't, you need to connect your device to the modem with an Ethernet cable.  If neither, then your best bet is to wait until a rep comes on and checks out your system remotely.


You can also try going through Overview Account, located at the top of the page, and see if that shows you any info. But that does require a connection.



This is the system status.  Is there more information somewhere that is needed to diagnose my problems?

Distinguished Professor IV

You're state code is 24.1.1 (download throttled). This  means you're in FAP, which means you've exceeded your monthly allowance and now your speeds are throttled. You can restore normal speeds by buying tokens or by waiting until your monthly allowance resets.  To read about FAP (Fair Access Policy) go here:


I live in an area where getting satellite signal is already weak. My speeds are next to nothing now.  I have used my all my data before and the system did not slow to this extent ever before.  


If this is the solution, then my only option is to contact Starlink.  HughesNet will be losing my business.



Thanks for reaching out! It seems these are your first posts. Welcome to the Community! I was able to pull up your account through your Community profile, which is great. Upon taking a look into your account, it seems we have no communication with your modem. When you have the opportunity, please attempt to access the System Control Center once more, and let us know if your state code has changed.




I just checked the status and the System State Code : 24.1.1 still remains.  My internet is working better tonight though which is unusual.  The system used to be slower in the evening and faster in the morning and daytime hours.  Something is different.


We shall see what tomorrow brings…

Distinguished Professor IV

Yes, you will be in FAP until your data allowance resets.  The FAP experience varies, and some people seem to find it acceptable, while others are unable to do most tasks. 

I appreciate your efforts to explain my problems, but you have not provided a reason as to why after 7 years of service, this is happening.  I have used my data allowance many times before and the system has not slowed to this level before.  

Distinguished Professor IV

My theory is that your beam now has more users and that your experience has to do with more congestion.

Earlier this morning the status system code was all zeros, now the 24.1.1 is back and the system is crawling so slow that I am struggling to even communicate with this group☹️.



Thank you for following up! It seems we're still unable to get any communication with your modem. A state code of 24.1.1 should not cause a communication issue, and it seems your area is not currently being impacted by congestion. Is your modem currently powered off?




The modem/router has been on all morning.  I would not be able to communicate otherwise. My VOIP phone has dial tone.



I have sent you a private message. Please let us know if you've received it!




New Poster

Exact same unusable speeds . if you’re lucky the only problem is, I am not a long time. Customer and I have to suffer through this for another year and a half and it sucks because no one will help you find a solution. Starlink Will be in my next endeavor

Distinguished Professor IV

You don't have to suffer for another 18 months. You can pay the fine and cancel the contract at any time, and it'd be cheaper than paying the monthly fee for 18 months.  If you are 6 months into your contract, your fine would be $355.  Not cheap, but a lot less than what you pay now times 18.


I truly think there are gremlins at work.


 Installed a new modem yesterday sent to me and speed performance was still not good.  It was better yesterday evening.  Error code 24.1.1 still there yesterday even though had bonus zone data of over 80%.  Health report said system Poor.


Early this morning the error code was gone and the health report said system was good.  I did a speed test and it was not good. Both download and upload Speeds throughout this have been all over the place, but none have been good.


 Just now I checked and the error code 24.1.1 is back and system is poor.  Still have around 80% bonus zone data but does not seem to matter.


Waiting for a call to schedule a tech visit.  Maybe they will be able to stop the gremlins.

Distinguished Professor IV

"Just now I checked and the error code 24.1.1 is back and system is poor."


The throttled code will remain until your monthly data (the data you pay for) cycles into a new month.  The bonus data is free; when you are actually in the bonus zone you probably won't see the code, though you might, as it doesn't refer to the bonus zone. 


"Speeds throughout this have been all over the place, but none have been good."


What do you define as good? You may want to run speed tests using (which is required to have speed issues analysed on this site), and the post the link to your My Results page. 


Speeds do go all over the place because of the nature of satellite internet, which is influenced by the laws of physics inherent in the technology, and is also influenced by other variables, including congestion (that is, how many people on your beam are using the internet; this can be more noticeable at certain times of the day).  

Distinguished Professor IV

To add to what maratsade mentioned, the Bonus Zone is from 2AM to 8AM, so if you're out of your plan data, but you still have Bonus Zone data, that state code will disappear between 2AM to 8AM, which is why it wasn't there when you got on early in the morning. Once 8AM comes, that state code will reappear, as the system has switched back over to using your plan data, which you're out of.


The only way to get out of the FAP state (Fair Access Policy), is to either buy Data Tokens, or wait for your monthly plan data to refill on your monthly renewal date. 


For reference, the data is used like this, with each successive data bank kicking in when the prior one has been exhausted...


8AM to 2AM - Monthly Plan Data > Token Data > FAP (the throttled speed state due to being out of data)

2AM to 8AM - Bonus Zone Data > Monthly Plan Data > Token Data > FAP