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Community. Service.

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Community. Service.

Community. Service.
So I guess it has come to this. What do we all want. In a service we want the best service for our money. I have had HughesNet for about a year now. The service is awful. I have a year left on my contract which can’t come soon enough. I hate to see the bill notices because I know I am not getting what I am paying for. I have read on this community site. I see what others do, the steps they take for nothing or even worse, the run a round. I have already gotten the run around, one of the mods told me I was posting in the wrong place.  The past year my wife says call them. They don’t know you are having a problem unless you call. I said it is a waste of time. So finally she grew frustrated with the lack of service and called. I didn’t time it but let’s say it was 30 min. More like triple that.  They upgraded our data allowance for 3 months. I have to cancel the upgrade. For lack of service. Bottom line. I am a bottom line guy. I cannot tell a difference in speed when I have data and when I don’t. Service is awful both times. I bought a phone signal booster for $400. I get better internet today on it. In fact that is what I am using now. Verizon unlimited and a signal booster. I am paying out my contract then canceling this awful service. If anyone knows of a classical mcaction against hughesNet I would like to know about it because the only thing that can make this transaction fair is for them to give all of my money back.


Next step Att General for the state of Arkansas.  I want my money back. Sevice not provided as described.

Case Number 108593826

View solution in original post


The last call my wife made they were supposed to call her back from another department. We are still waiting on that call. I guess that is just the HughesNet operates. Pass you around til someone drops the ball. Oh wouldn’t that be the installer? No not the installation. I was the one that called and asked for internet service. It was a joint thing with Dish network. I was surprised. I used to think more of Dish. It is not who you are it is who your friends are

The technician that installed it installed it wrong. Control center told him not to leave it that way and he told them it was the only way I could get any service. The tech had his phone on speaker.  Oh when I do a speed check it will tell me 45 MB’s. But the service buffers when you watch a YouTube video. I had cable Lynks before I move here. I asked if they could hook me up. Centurytel is in this area but both said they can’t help me. I have Verizon with unlimited data and a signal booster. That seems to my best bet for now.

I guess calling doesn’t work.  You have to get on here and start a gripe post.  

That doesn't work either.  

All you will get are reply post from people that "are not MODS" to sugest you do a bunch of smoke and mirror tricks like turn off your router, take some speed tests, reboot your system etc.  I know all I have to do is go into town with my iPad and download a bunch of stuff to watch on a providers system that is interested in service for their community.  Not HughesNet.  Wish I had never heard of this company.

Griping about it on here doen't work either.

I thought / hoped it might. 

All you will get are reply post from people that "are not MODS" to sugest you do a bunch of smoke and mirror tricks like

"please try either pausing or turning OFF the Video Data Saver"

"please try a device that is directly connected to the modem with a LAN cable to see if there is any difference. "

turn off your router, take some speed tests, reboot your system etc.  I know all I have to do is go into town with my iPad and download a bunch of stuff to watch on a providers system that is interested in service for their community.  Not HughesNet.  Wish I had never heard of this company.

Ref Number:  108593826

From a while back that no one ever responded to.

Distinguished Professor IV



Why would anyone even bother to help you at this point?  When someone actually does to try help you, as in asking questions and steps to be performed to begin troubleshooting your issue, you insult them.  You ask for help and then spit in the face of the first person that attempts to do so.  


So, again, I ask, and this is a rhetorical question that doesn't really require your answer, why would anyone even bother to try to help you?  You might want to think about that.

From GabeU Re: Community. Service.

 Why would anyone even bother to help you at this point?  When someone actually does to try help you, as in asking questions and steps to be performed to begin troubleshooting your issue, you insult them.  You ask for help and then spit in the face of the first person that attempts to do so.  

 So, again, I ask, and this is a rhetorical question that doesn't really require your answer, why would anyone even bother to try to help you?  You might want to think about that.

From Wudrest

I still have not figured out why you are trouble shooting for HughesNet.  Have you ever thought that what you do is insulting?  Why should it require a bunch of tricks to get the internet?  You act like I have never had internet before now.  I know what good service is.  It is not HughesNet!!!! I see your name on here a lot.  I am not the first to gripe about the lack of service.  I am sure you have noticed.  I have been on 5 different providers in the past 2 weeks and NONE of them require me to adjust my equipment. All of them I could watch a video without buffering.  So I ask again, have you ever thought that you implying that what is wrong with my internet conection is the setting on my equipment so offensive to me.  This whole site is rhetorical.  No one cares.  They know you are locked in to the contract. In their adds that describe how megafast it is.  In the contract it plainly says that no speeds are guarenteed.  They know they are conning people with a load of it.  If I can help just one person to not sign that blasted contract then it is worth all of this wasted time.

Distinguished Professor IV



In addition, when you choose every one of your posts as solutions to your topic, not only is it an insult to those who actually provide solutions, it throws other customers off when they are searching for solutions to their issues.


@Liz @Amanda Might it be a good idea to completely close this thread?  




In addition, when you choose every one of your posts as solutions to your topic, not only is it an insult to those who actually provide solutions, it throws other customers off when they are searching for solutions to their issues.


@Liz @Amanda Might it be a good idea to completely close this thread?  

Thanks you have been most helpful... NOT

Thanks for your response.  The last thing I want to to is call someone a mod if they are not.  I, like many one here, are dissatisfied with the quality of service here at HughesNet.  I have read extensively on the community forums.  It tends to be a gripe fest.  It is not my style but seems to be the flow of things HughesNet.  My problem is service.  I pay for a service with anticipation of receiving said service.  From day one, we have had high download speeds. 45,  47, I think there was a 75 onetime.  We burn through our data allowance in 8 days and there is no change in the quality of service. It may read 3 MB’s but I can’t tell any difference in performance. YouTube buffers either way.  After reading community forums I did not waste my time with calling in my problems. I got screwed in a contract when it is over I will cancel.  My wife called.  She talked to the first level in the Philippines. Then a second level called and they said a third level would call .  The third level never called.  I live in the middle of nowhere.  I had hopes I could have internet there.  I was wrong.  The day we were connected the new satellite was coming online.  The installer did the best he knew how to do but I was standing beside him when he was talking to control.  The way he hooked it up was incorrect but it was the only way to get any service.  He had another install to do.  Control told him that he had wired it up incorrectly and not to leave it like that.  He told control he had no choice because when he wired it up correctly no signal was found.  We live in a high tech world.  I am telling everyone I know to stay away from HughesNet.  They can’t deliver what they say they can. Sad. Not cool.  Bad form.  HughesNet.

Distinguished Professor IV



Regarding the buffering during Youtube videos, please try either pausing or turning OFF the Video Data Saver and see if that makes any difference.  


What is Video Data Saver?  


Also, please try a device that is directly connected to the modem with a LAN cable to see if there is any difference.  

I have never needed any of these tips and tricks with any other internet provider.  When I really want to watch YouTube I take my iPad somewhere with a real internet provider and download hours to watch in minutes.  It is sad that I am paying what I am pay and getting such poor service in return.  But this will end in a year or so.

I don’t really understand why you are trouble shooting for HughesNet?  I am positive that the technology exists to get internet in the woods of rural AR. But HughesNet has not shown me they know how faster than dialup speeds. Constant buffering. Only one more year of my contract. Today I am reconnecting to my old internet provider. I don’t live in the house much. Once a week or so. I will just use that as my download day where I will have something to watch when I return to my HughesNet provider.

I don’t really understand why you are trouble shooting for HughesNet?  I don’t have to turn off stuff with a real internet provider.  I am positive that the technology exists to get internet in the woods of rural AR. But HughesNet has not shown me they know how faster than dialup speeds. Constant buffering. Only one more year of my contract. Today I am reconnecting to my old internet provider. I don’t live in the house much. Once a week or so. I will just use that as my download day where I will have something to watch when I return to my HughesNet provider. 

Community service is when you have to pay back to the community for the bad you have done.  I did a bad thing.  I signed a contract with HughesNet.  Now I have to pay for something I did.  I just want to say to my community.  .. don’t do it.  Only for a year more do I have to pay for what I have done.  About $60 a month.  

Next step Att General for the state of Arkansas.  I want my money back. Sevice not provided as described.

Case Number 108593826

Hello Wudrest,


In the first post of this thread you indicated you were going to be "paying out my contract then canceling" the HughesNet service and that you have a new provider. What would you have us do in that case? 


Just so we're both on the same page -


You had this service installed on March 18, 2017 and the technician had tilted your dish correctly, but our system was expecting the opposite tilt. The agent's supervisor at Install Support provided the technician a provisional sign-off code since the problem was on our side (having to update our installer app). Your system is pointed well, getting appropriate signal and runs at the optimal performance level. 


We received our very first (and only) call from you on January 4th, 2018 regarding slow speeds. Our support determined that the actual issue was the download allowance being exceeded.  They noted the devices connect at that time, which were: Hopper 3, 2 iPad Pros, 1 iPhone 6S Plus (with poor wi-fi strength) and another iPhone. 

      -Historically, there is a Hopper 3, Desktop, 2 iPads, 2 iPhones, an Airport Express and something called a DLMacMiainBrain that have been hooked up to the system.



The agent added 2GB of free token data for the troubleshooting process. While using your iPad, a speed test performed during the call returned at 26.99Mbps down and 2.09Mbps up. The service plan was upgraded to 30GB w/ a 3 month price match offer.

From reviewing your data usage history, I'd approximate the daily download data usage for your account is 1-3GB a day. The majority of detected traffic is for video. 


Since there is currently an Airport Express hooked up while your HT2000W Wi-Fi radios are also turned on, there very well may be a frequency interference between the radios. See more about that here:


If you do decide to change your mind on troubleshooting, we have an established process here on our community which I'd be happy to provide you. A response to your Attorney General letter will be provided within the standard time frame set by your AG, usually 30 business days if you've already sent that out. Our team's response will be essentially what has been provided above. If you've already initiated the cancellation you mentioned in your first post, I will update my notes on your account.


Thank you,




Hi Wudrest,


It's been a while since we've heard from you, so this thread will be closed. If you would still like to troubleshoot with us, please feel free to create a new topic in our Tech Support category.


Thank you,


Well my actual problem is that HughesNet installed my service incorrectly.  The installer had his speakerphone on.  My wife has called but no results other than increasing my data.  I am positive that the technology exists to get internet in the woods of rural AR. But HughesNet has not shown me they know how faster than dialup speeds. Constant buffering. Only one more year of my contract. Today I am reconnecting to my old internet provider. I don’t live in the house much. Once a week or so. I will just use that as my download day where I will have something to watch when I return to my HughesNet provider.