Connection stutter from 7 PM to 10 PM Central time
For the last couple of weeks we've had a severe connection stutter between the hours of 7 to 10 PM every night. I keep getting kicked out of the internet games I play on my tablets and web surfing is slow to impossible.
It looks to me like we're connecting to the California downlink site and it's being overloaded.
1. Is there any way to find out which downlink site we're connected to? (The 'where am I' links I've found say we're in California)
2. Is there any way to force a switch to another downlink site?
I suppose I should update this...
It stopped doing it. I have no idea why. We had some bad weather here the next day after I posted and lost all connectivity so I had to restart the modem. After that the issue stopped.
No clue what the problem was or what caused it.:robotfrustrated: