Forum Discussion

dfbeck's avatar
8 years ago

Data Usage (Mea culpa)

Yes, Corrosive, GabeU, Markj, once I stared at it for an extended length it started to make sense. No, I wasn't trolling, just being obstinate. I didn't particularly like the new meter but it did wor...
  • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
    8 years ago

    The warning is based on the old method, basically saying that you have used enough so far this month, that unless you cut back some, you will be out of data before the end of the month.  For instance, if you are allowed 10GB, and a month had only 10 days, on day 5, if you are at 5.1GB used, you would get the warning, but on day 6, if you are at 5.9GB used, the warning will go away as you fall back into expected usage for that time period.