Forum Discussion
Is guest wifi network still accessible during sleep mode?
This may seem like a dumb question, but ultimately I just don't know.
I have an iMac connected (hardwired) to my HT2000W modem/router, and my iMac is set to go into sleep mode after 45 minutes. I just got my first smart phone and have it set up to access the 2.4 GHz guest wifi broadcast so that my phone can access data from the internet instead of the phone accessing my phone carrier's data network. Now the big question: If my iMac is in sleep mode will that kill the wifi broadcast to my smart phone on the guest wifi, or will my phone be able to access the HT2000W regardless and be able to download data anyway? Any info would be helpful. Thanks!
Wifi Routers and Access Points will broadcast 24/7 unless you have the ability to progam in a schedule (which the HT2000w does NOT support), or manually disable each Wifi Radio in the advanced menu. Having your computer connected and going to sleep will not disable, nor does it enable the Wifi Radios on your HT2000w.
- C0RR0SIVEAssociate Professor
Wifi Routers and Access Points will broadcast 24/7 unless you have the ability to progam in a schedule (which the HT2000w does NOT support), or manually disable each Wifi Radio in the advanced menu. Having your computer connected and going to sleep will not disable, nor does it enable the Wifi Radios on your HT2000w.
- CDMmanFreshman
Thank you both so much! That answers my question. :)
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
Your phone will still be able to access the WiFi and utilize it. Even if the Mac were on and actively using the internet, your phone would still be able to access the WiFi, though the bandwidth may be divided between the phone and the Mac, depending on what each is actively doing. At no point, though, will one thing being on sever the access for the other, nor will one thing being off affect the other, with the exception of, again, the bandwidth.
BTW, the only dumb question is the one not asked. :)
Edit: Hadn't thought about the fact that your question may be pertaining to whether a device can affect the modem's WiFi, as in turning it off becuase the device goes to sleep. In that case, like Corrosive explained, no. The modem's Wifi can only be turned off or on, or other aspects of it changed, from within the modem's GUI.
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