Forum Discussion
Please close your browser message.
- 7 years ago
Good morning Liz, When I click on OK it takes me back to the Hughes home screen. That used to happen automaticly when I click on Logout of email account. It happens with mozilla firefox and crome
Good morning Oletrapper,
Thank you for confirming. This is normal; when I clicked the OK button I'm also taken back to the HughesNet homepage.
Good morning again Gabe, I followed the instructions of using the windows button and print screen at the same time to save the "Please close your browser" message. I do not have a Screenshots folder in my pictures. I did however find the save in Custom destinations folder which was/is a .ms file. I tried that and photos button above won't accept that file type. Only jpg,mpg,etc.
I tried this with the windows=print screen and alt+print screen. Neither would work. I am using Windows 7 and have Mozilla Firefox or Crome. Those are the only 2 browsers I use. I'll keep playing with it. Thanks again. OT
That's interesting. I'm so used to using one method for taking and posting screenshots that I'm not very familiar with the others, of which I just learned there are a few, such as having it temporarily saved to the clipboard so you can paste it into a message body, which sounds like the method you normally use. To be honest, I didn't even know you could do that.
In the end, though, you were able to get the picture posted, and that's what matters. :)
Edit: I just tried it with both Firefox and Chrome and the "Please close your browser" box popped up for me, too. I clicked OK and it took me to the HughesNet homepage. With the second one (Chrome) I manually closed the page after clicking OK.
I'm pretty sure that it's just there as a reminder to close the open page when you're finished, and making you click OK is a way to verify that you've seen the message. :)
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