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I have a problem with a Service that can not make good on their product to give quality and affordable satisfaction to the customer.
I have called in to report my problems as it has no regular date or time that it occurs.
I tend to call it the white out screen of death.
I watch the pretty blue lights flashing on the vertical tree, as my hard drive is making noise and yet on the white screen I can't even see the eyes of the polar bear as it walks across the artic snow on my screen. Or maybe it is not snow and a pretty picture of a Polar Bear walking across the screen?
I can hit reload and the screen will flash I will see the pretty Internet boarder come up again and again but the screen inside it is still all white.. Oh wait what is this a spinning disk in the middle of my screen... Oh cool now I get to watch a UFO. Hmm is it taking off or landing? I wonder if area 51 knows about this one?
Well now I am getting pissed so I guess I will just shut this internet down and write another letter to my Congressman as I keep fighting also with the VA Administration as they have me as only partially Disabled and yet Social Security has me at 100%.
It has only been 4 years of fighting the VA over this as I was forced to retire prior to reaching my 30 year goal. I was in uniform when I was injured and taken to the ER as a Hospital. It was a Uniform that they cut off from me as they did not allow me to remove it or my boot prior to them removing them from my leg that was bleeding from a very bad gash in my leg.
I wore a cast on my leg and had a NO DUTY SLIP for about 2 months.
Yet the VA looked at my claim and reported they could not find any SERVICE Connected Injury in my records.
So after 4 Congressional Investigations they finally said Yes we did find a few things wrong and so I am now only Partially Disabled and they are only handing me some sugar candy every month as a small token of my generous commitment to duty and honor for giving over 28 years of my life to a Uniform in Service to my country.
NOW Why did I just say all of this extra mumbo jumbo?
Simple: I understand Commitment, Honor, Respect, Endurance, and Selfless Service as these are the Values of a Military Member of the United States Military. With out US you would be speaking German right now and fearing a group call the Gestapo and Secret Service (well maybe we still worry some about the secret service) but you have freedoms to let you look and read statements like this on a computer network across a vast network on the Internet pathways.
But I still live in a beat up old Trailer that gives me a roof over my head and keeps me dry, and the only excitement I have is looking at the internet everyday writing letters to people and researching why so many of my Comrades in Arms are suffering when we should be getting better treatment from our Government.
But right now my life line to the world is on this Satellite Internet Service and I get less than Great Service and I get less than Good Quality responses to my problems of NO SERVICE or SERVICE INTERUPTIONS and it is not due to weather.
Well I am waiting on the DAV van to take me to the VA Hospital again because well that is one of the great things in my life I look forward to these days. I get a chance to get away from this little hole in the world I call a "Living Hell" and can enjoy real running water and drinkable water from a faucet.
I can even ask the driver to go by a drive thru and I don't have to endure the pain of walking thru the doors and attempting to make a food order.
Although it is nice at times to go inside some of these places as they have a real working toilet that flushes. It is really amazing to know some people have all these great things in life.
Yet I gave 28 years of my life, and traveled the world and was placed in harms way many times and I never complained as it was my job and I raised my hand and volunteered to do this.
But I NEVER thought when it was all over, I would be struggling just to continue to exist in a trailer living by a lake with solar panels and wind turbines for electrical power and collecting utility water in a kids swimming pool, and not a drop to drink. NO Phone Service 1/2 the time, and NO Internet Service about 1/4 of the time and being billed for each time I hit refresh or reload and use up my allowance of 10GB to watch a Polar Bear hunting for Seals under the snow and Ice.
Oh wait that Polar Bear must have got on that UFO and they must be sitting there while the scan him to see what makes him a Bear.
Well there is the Horn so time for me to leave, as I put on my braces and turn up the voltage on my TENs Unit and grab my forearm crutches I guess I will turn this off and save my electrical power and let my Solar Batteries charge back up. I might need some light later tonight.
God Bless everyone and I hope you have a Wonderful Weekend...
At least something I did in my life was good for something, your still safe and enjoying your freedoms every day!
Now you can forget you read my message... It was just another lonely guy out there that once upon a time I felt what I was doing what important!
Jonathan Taylor
Retired US Military DAV Veteran
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