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False data usage

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False data usage

So, I’ve had the modem unplugged completely and been collecting dust on my desk since suspending service 3 months ago. The suspension lifted the beginning of this month, I was immediately charged, I still didn’t hook up the modem because I’m using a much better provider now. But some how, I got a notice that I only have %20 data left...... How the heck have I used any data at all if my modem hasn’t been hooked up.... at all!! Can’t wait to pay my last bill and leave this company without a cancellation fee. HUGHESNET, you suck!
Distinguished Professor IV

"But some how, I got a notice that I only have %20 data left...... "


How did you get this notice?

Distinguished Professor IV



It's because your account is showing the data you had remaining when you unplugged the modem.  Your monthly data allotment can't reset if the modem is not connected and plugged in.  As well, it's impossible for any data to be used while the modem is unplugged.  


If your modem is connected and plugged back in, the data will reset.