Q: What is a "homepage"?
A: Whatever webpage you select as a home page in your browser (if any)
If you have a need to access specific Hughes related pages such as Dashboard, Web Mail or other functions why not just create a "Hughesnet" folder within your browsers favorites and store direct shortcuts properly renamed in that folder
Don't bother to respond here. I won't check back.Nice attitude, that one. I bet you're a delight to know.
Fortunately the poster is not the only one who reads these.
There is a lot to be learned from the difficulties of others and the solutions offered to cure those difficulties.
The offending page is not even specified but I think I know the one being referred to. The poster is correct in that that webpage is reminiscent of supermarket tabloids.
The big thing here is in understanding ... understanding that a "homepage" is nothing more than a designated "landing place" that can be any page on the web or even a blank page for that matter.
As stated, a user can store direct links to access any Hughes related function thereby bypassing all the junk.
Because this topic is quite useless anyway, lets post some puppy pics:
The "Girls" as puppies
The poster is correct in that that webpage is reminiscent of supermarket tabloids.If this is the page referred to, then it does need revamping. It's busy and clunky, and looks very similar to the default page for the Edge and Explorer browsers. Ugh.
Its a lot like raising kids again !
They are both from the same litter.
The smaller one, Tara, (7 lbs) is the feisty one. She will give you the "Paw" in a heartbeat.
Sometimes you could just strangle her ! You give a stern talking to and she will toss her head up and over in a sign of dismissal. That always makes me laugh, mad at her or not.
That is the one.
I just can't think of any reason to go to it and as BirdDog said, if left open it will burn large amounts of data.
You give a stern talking to and she will toss her head up and over in a sign of dismissal.She must've learned that from a cat. LOL
I just can't think of any reason to go to it and as BirdDog said, if left open it will burn large amounts of data.I've never used it before and can't really see a reason to.... Yikes. I don't see anything that would eat data (I have flash blockers installed). Is it video intensive?
Ad and script block on my browser also but ... scrolling auto refresh and lots of ads.