Good morning fox12,
Just wanted to give you another tool that can help investigate this issue. I'm curious as to how long pages take to load for you when they seem slow. I use Chrome's developer tools to get that timing, I'll show you how to do it.
-Navigate to whichever site is slow loading for you.
-Open developer tools:
Pressing the F12 key on your keyboard should bring up the dev tools console on the right side of the browser like so:
-In this dev tools console on the right, click on the Performance tab on the top, as I've highlighted.
-Then click the little reload icon to refresh the site in question so the dev tools can analyze as the site loads up.
-When complete, you should see a summary of how long the site took to load, like this below with the circle graph:
For me, the community loaded in 3.7 seconds.
If for some reason F12 doesn't bring up the dev tools console, an alternate way is to right-click on the website, then click on "Inspect" on the menu that pops up.
Please let me know if you need additional help with this.
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