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Re: The worst chat service I've ever experienced
Look damnit. Are you going to answer the question I asked 3 weeks ago or continue to waste more of my time? Calling me a liar won't help. As you can see, I didn't lie. What I said about my usage menu was correct so don't ever call me liar again. I don't lie and I don't cheat unlike some internet providers I've recently dealt with. Your adding priority data did nothing. My internet goes OUT every night and during the day. Not just flakey but OUT. We can't access anything that uses the internet in the entire house because our modem says NOT CONNECTED. I was promised unlimited data, faster speeds, reduced latency and availability; none of which I'm receiving. For well over a month ALL of our streaming services have been set to SD video to use the least amount of bandwidth. Not sure how (or even if its true) where all my data has gone. Now for the question I asked 3 weeks ago and should have been resolved in a chat. I have found my answer.1.9KViews0likes6CommentsRe: The worst chat service I've ever experienced
This is not just a problem during primetime. I'm having problems during the morning hours (eg. 8-9 am). Seems just like primetime. Can't watch TV - flakey. I really dislike this service. I was promised to much more when I signed up.2KViews0likes8Comments- 2KViews0likes0Comments
The worst chat service I've ever experienced
After reading a support area about data usage, I discovered Video Optimizer. It apparently will stretch out my priority data. It's supposed to be in under Usage, but it isn't. My first thought was to use chat as it should be quick and simple. To do this I entered my NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, SAN, and what I needed from themI can't find the Video Optimizer. Your instructions read to find it under Usage; however, under my Usage is not Video Optimizer. After waiting 15 minutes, the chat agent asks me for the exact information that I already entered. Ten minutes later, after chat agent supposedly checks my account and asks why I want to use the Video Optimizer to which I answered like above. Two minutes later the chat agent finally answers "For us to better assist you on accessing the video optimizer, you need to call our phone supports. We have limited capabilities here on chat." For the last 26 minutes, I've wasted my time with a system that apparently doesn't provide the chat agent with the data I've already provided or I'm dealing with someone just trying to waste time. I realize I'm stuck with this service until my 24 month agreement ends or I'll be stuck with early termination penalty but with all the outages, waiting for service agents from cities far away, the amount of time I've wasted on dealing with your phone agents and chat agents, you'd think that my membership would be a loss for you. How can you win when I always need some help that takes an hour or more of someone's phone time that results in either more issues or no real fix? Every night during prime-time television viewing, our internet either goes down or gets really flakey. Most shows that we watch completely shut down. Some times we can restore the show, other times we have to wait 10 to 60 minutes for the net to return. Thank goodness we have DVDs.2.4KViews0likes13Comments