For giggles, I did a traceroute to the servers for World of Warcraft (West), Final Fantasy XIV (Montreal), and Guild Wars 2. WoW had two hops time out. Guild Wars 2 had three. And FF14 had one. I don't know if that means anything. The servers at those particular hops may simply be rejecting test probes, though sometimes they will work. I know GW2 can be a nightmare because you get very little time to move out of the way of a telegraphed attack. WoW is more fogiving, but those high latency spikes make even that just hair-pulling. Maybe FF14 is more workable. idk. They have a lot of fights with a lot of complicated things. On the plus side, it is heavily scripted, so if you learn the script, it is easier to anticipate and pre-move/pre-cast.
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