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Re: Trying to set up replacement refurbished modem.
GabeUwrote: reluttrwrote: Thanks! Everything is back up and running now. :) Good to hear! Did they end up having to replace the coax? Nope, the coax was good, it ended up being the radio that had went faulty. The technician said that the one installed with the dish was a refurbished unit and it had more than likely just hit its end-of-life. He claimed the replacement I got was a new unit, so hopefully I wont run into this particular issue again for a long time. Now keep in mind I had to replace the modem as well because it would not power on. So with that in mind my only educated guess is that the weatherproofing on the radio must have failed during the most recent thunderstorm and allowed rain to get inside and cause a internal short. So the next morning when I hooked the modem back up and connected power it zapped both devices. Then over the next few days the moisture evaporated, which is why it didnt also short out the replacement modem. I would say it could have been a lightning strike, however, I had completely disconnected the modem long before the storm started. Plus I would assume a lightning strike would have been pretty easy to diagnose by the tech.8KViews1like1CommentRe: Help me understand please
gaines_wrightwrote: Twinsmommywrote: I am trying to figure out if a local company is as fast as Hughes net. The local company, I believe goes over cellular. They are telling me they have no data caps but do cap speed and 4 megaBITS per second. That's a lot slower than my normal speed with Hughes of 26 to 31 mbps. Back when I was stuck with 3Mbps with windstream I had to "start" the video, immediately pause it, and let it buffer/load a sizable chunk before unpausing the video. But that was on youtube and amazon video, so I am not sure if netflix works the same way or not.4.7KViews0likes3CommentsRe: New Subscriber with a few dumb questions.
The speed thing so far hasnt been a consistant problem. Ill just randomly run into times of slow speeds, but usually its very snappy, 20+ mbps. So ive just chalked it up to congestion or maybe the weather. Even when its slow its still comperable to what I was getting from Windstream... well before they refused to repair the line and the connection speed went to crap. The only time its a issue is when I am trying to play a game of Hitman 2 on steam and the connection makes their online DRM thing go crazy and it throws me out of a mission. I'm still not sure whats up with it, even steam looses connection, then as soon as I leave the game it reconnects. My main worry was that after I ran out of data it would scale down and suddenly have periods it was REALLY bad. lol Another odd thing I have encountered is that something about the HN connection prevents from working. The website will load, but ill almost always get a latency error, page error, or something before the test starts. Google and HN's speed tests work fine though.11KViews0likes2CommentsNew Subscriber with a few dumb questions.
Ok so I am aware of how the rules go with the data allowances. Regular speed until I blow through the 20GB cap and then the speeds get throttled. What I need to know though... are the cap speeds directly scaled to regular speeds or is it just capped at 3mbps? For example, right now I still have plenty of data but when I run a speedtest I am getting less than 1mbps of speed, I guess because of congestion. When I am in a throttled state, will I still see the same speed as right now or will it actually be scaled down further than it is now? Now my second question, I stumbled upon the token page on my router's control panel. How do you earn free tokens? Finally, my last question. What is the best proceedure for equipment during a thunderstorm? I have the modem already plugged into a surge protector, but what is the recommended proceedure to best protect my equipment from damage during a thunderstorm?11KViews0likes13CommentsRe: Trying to set up replacement refurbished modem.
Ok so I have a new development. If I disconnect the modem from the LNB, the modem will boot like normal and I can access the control panel. The second I reconnect the coax cable it goes back into a reboot loop. Tommarrow im going to try running a new Coaxal cable to the LNB and see if that fixes the issue. Maybe the issue is as simple as a defective coaxal cable. In the event that it is the LNB that is faulty, how would I go about requesting a replacement? Due to job restrictions it would be very difficult for me to work in the free time to meet a technician, plus the part looks very easy to just swap out without doing any re-adjustments. So being able to just do it myself like the modem replacement would be the most flexable option for me.8.1KViews0likes0CommentsTrying to set up replacement refurbished modem.
So about a week ago my modem unexpectedly stopped working. I've only had HN service for a few weeks. Today I recieved the replacement refurbished unit. I followed the instructions and plugged in the coax, network, and power cabled before plugging the power supply into my surge protector. Now the paper included with the modem says that the initalization process will take about 60 minutes. I noticed that the modem has lights turning on and off and its rebooting, so I just assumed this is normal. About 90 minutes later I notice that I still cannot access the modem dashboard and it is still power cycling. Here is what it does starting at a power cycle. 1. The power button is a orangeish white color, all other LED's other than WIFI are illuminated white, WIFI is not illuminated at all. 2. Power button turns pure white, all other LED's turn off. 3. After a few minutes the power LED will flash red and the entire process will start again. I tried contacting the live chat, and outside of having me unplug the modem and wait 30 second and try again, they were unable to help. Hoping someone here might be able to help.Solved8.2KViews0likes9Comments