Forum Discussion

kschneid61's avatar
New Member
9 years ago


I just received notification of my bill being due.  My account is showing I am past due and owe two months.  According to my records, this is not correct!!!!!!!!!
  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV


    If you could post either a prior case number from a phone call or the serial number located on a sticker on the back or bottom of your modem, the Reps will be able to locate your account and look into this for you.  DO NOT POST any other personal info, like your account number (SAN), your email address or phone number.  Only one or both of the pieces of info asked for.   

    The reps are on M-F from 8am or so to 5pm. 

  • Hello  kschneider61,

    Welcome to our community and thank you for your post. We'd like to help you get to the bottom of this. Have you logged into to see your billing and payment history? If something isn't right in there, let us know.

  • Hi kschneider61

    It's been a while since we last heard from you, so we will close this thread. If you still have concerns, please start a new thread and include an updated response so that we can more effectively help you.
