Forum Discussion

Crzyhrss's avatar
New Poster
6 years ago

Unexpected service fee

I would like the voice transcript from call number 126050092 pulled and I would like to hear where she told me I would have to pay a 125$ service fee.
  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Customers cannot get call recordings.  The HN mods on this site may be able to find some information for you, though (EDIT: by checking the notes from the call). 

  • Crzyhrss,


    Thank you for contacting us. After reviewing the case notes that were made during your call, it does appear you were informed of the fee in its full amount. You also agreed to this charge which is why the dispatch was processed. Despite that information, It looks like you have already received support with this, as of 1/16/2020. If you have any other issues that need to be addressed, please let me know. 

