Forum Discussion

thewarehouse's avatar
6 years ago

What am I leasing and for how long?

My contract is up- yay! But my bill is now $20 more- boo! I did know it would go up however so I'm really not upset about that. (Service still sucks- even with "repairs" [which cost ME] and an "upgrade.") But my real question is what am I leasing now that my contract is up? I was under the impression that it was for the dish and after my contract was up, that would fall off. I cannot find this information anywhere now that I need it. If it is a continuation of the dish lease because of the "upgrade" I'm going to be upset because I specifically asked if it would cost me. I was told no, it would cost me nothing. Extending that lease would be costing me. 

I am hoping it is not for the dish... but $15 for the modem?? That's rather high for a modem lease.

Help me out with an answer please.

(and how silly that Lease is not an approved label)


  • Damian's avatar
    6 years ago

    Hello thewarehouse,

    I apologize for the delay. I have finished investigating this. Please refer to your private messages for information. 




  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV



    The lease is ongoing.  It's not an extension, as the lease never ends.  It's for the equipment as a whole, as in the dish and the modem, regardless of its age.  Only those who have purchased the equipment don't pay lease fees.

    • thewarehouse's avatar

      GabeU wrote:



      The lease is ongoing.  It's not an extension, as the lease never ends.  It's for the equipment as a whole, as in the dish and the modem, regardless of its age.  Only those who have purchased the equipment don't pay lease fees.

      Ah, well, then the person who signed me up for the contract gave misinformation. I specifically asked what the benefit would be of purchasing the dish over leasing. She informed me that after my 2-year contract I own the dish anyway. 
      How do I get that pulled? It took me quite a while to get my service up and running (not HN's fault; timing was hard to get lined up perfect) and in that time, I asked a lot of questions.

      • maratsade's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV

        That call would no longer be available to pull. They keep them for 2-3 months and then they're scrapped. There may be some notes somewhere.  The HN staff/mods on this site may be able to find something. They'll be back Monday.

    • thewarehouse's avatar
      Edited to add- this is in regard to Gabe’s comment that only those who buy the dish don’t have lease fees.
      Ah- that last sentence. I think when I spoke with the rep we were not quite understanding each other. Essentially she told me at the end of my contract it would be like I had bought the dish- this (I think) had me under the impression that the lease would end.
      I understand now. Thanks everyone for the help.