Forum Discussion

hk2001's avatar
New Poster
4 years ago

What happens at the end of the contract?

I'm currently paying $130 a month for 100GB of data. My 24 months is up in April (The first invoice is dated 9/April/2019)

What happens when the contract is over?  There are lots of details in the agreement about what happens if the contract is broken early, but not what happens when it ends

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    When your subscriber agreement ends, you can continue subscribing or you can cancel the service without penalty (though you do have to return some of the equipment, unless you have bought it).  If you upgrade your service to the next gen, you enter into a new subscriber agreement. 


    hk2001 wrote:

    I'm currently paying $130 a month for 100GB of data. My 24 months is up in April (The first invoice is dated 9/April/2019)

    What happens when the contract is over?  There are lots of details in the agreement about what happens if the contract is broken early, but not what happens when it ends


    • hk2001's avatar
      New Poster

      So, no new contract or commitment? No price increase?  I sit there on a month-to-month billing cycle until I get a big black box with an X on it? 

      • maratsade's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV

        No new subscriber agreement or commitment unless you upgrade to a new gen (if you are on Gen 5, you've got the latest one).  Price doesn't change -- this has been my experience from being off contract several times. over the past 15 or so years.