Forum Discussion

Epryce's avatar
New Member
7 years ago


This company is a scam how did I use 50gb plus 50gb in 4 days there is no way two months in a row there is no way comcast and Verizon have better service this company is **bleep**
  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV



    First and foremost, please have enough respect for your fellow users of this site to refrain from using foul language, whether it is bleeped out or not.  It's immature and there is no need for it.  


    Now, there are many things on many devices that can use data without your knowledge, and none of them are the fault of HughesNet.  For Windows based computers, the most recommended program for monitoring data usage is Glasswire, which monitors the data used on the computer it's installed on.  It will tell you how much data was used, when it was used and just what program/app/service used it.  It's free, and it's here...


    For non Windows devices there are similar programs, though I don't know what they are offhand.  


    If you have your HughesNet service connected to a DirecTV receiver it's best to disconnect it, as DirecTV receivers can use a LOT of data, even when they're off, and without any way to control it.  


    The following two threads may also help...




    If you would like further help in determining what is using all of your data, please start a new topic in Tech Support, which you can do here...



    Please keep in mind that it is mostly your fellow HughesNet subscribers who are going to help you with this issue.  

  • And secondly, this area is for your opinion of this web site, not HughesNet service, as stated in the description before you clicked on it...


    Wanna vent? Please find another appropriate outlet.

    • Madams83's avatar
      Its sad hughesnet actually has to pay supporters because otherwise all they would have is put downs. Above comment is right about one thing itll only be fellow subscribers that help if any at all definately not hughes net. Ive dealt with the same thing, vanishing data. 15% gone in the middle of one night when noone used anything. Only with this company can data puff be gone and devices are supposedly using them even when turned off. They say even a phone if its been logged onto the wifi, even tho the phine itself will show NO data use at that time because it was powered off but can still use the wifi data! Its truely amazing.
      • maratsade's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV

        "Its sad hughesnet actually has to pay supporters"


        I'm not paid by Hughes. I pay them for service and it works fine, within the inherent limitations of satellite internet, such as latency. 


        I respect your right to seek comfort in paranoid conspiracy theories, but this doesn't change the fact you're posting in the wrong area. 


        Want tech support to resolve your mysterious data disappearances?  Post in tech support and work with the reps to figure out what's going on. It's very likely it's not elves, aliens, or the government using your data, but something connected to your network. 


        *I am not a Hughesnet employee or representative. This is a customer-to-customer tech support community, and I am a customer.