I would not be surprised if we see more and more down time at various sites. I've been dealing with a lot of vulnerability probing scripts targeting php-based web systems for the past bunch of weeks. It's mostly coming from Chinese cloud servers (Tencent, Aliyun, Alibaba, etc.) and getting more and more intense as I see these scripts grow in size and complexity. The scripts tend to use user agents of older IE/Edge, Firefox, and Chrome web browsers. Would not be surprised if the ones not coming directly from Chinese servers are actually 'captured' proxies, since they started experimenting with the "CONNECT" protocol a few weeks back, and have seen some of the scripts now being run on Malaysian, Vietnamese, and Thai servers as well.
Pays to keep your stuff updated, because I'm starting to block those older browsers as a precaution, as draconian a precaution as it sounds.