Forum Discussion
Community notification emails have stopped.
- 5 years ago
Good morning folks,
Thank you for your patience while we continue to investigate. While we currently can resolve this issue as it pops up on a user by user basis, we're still working on pinpointing the root cause of this forum notification issue to apply a permanent and universal solution. I'll keep this thread updated on news as we get it.
If you notice your e-mail notifications not arriving when you should be receiving them, please let me know ASAP; posting in here is fine. Include the approximate date and time of the notification received in the community that didn't arrive as an e-mail notification.
Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.
Good morning Gabe,
Thanks so much for all this feedback. I'll let them know about the inbox indicators. Curious to see how your e-mail tests with MSN work out.
The 3rd direct email test, sent at 6:33PM yesterday, came through at 9:08AM this morning. So, all test emails from directly to MSN thus far have now come through.
There have been seven Community notifications thus far today, starting at 5:59AM. Only the last three have been received at my MSN. The first of the three received at MSN was fifteen minutes after it was received at, and the last two were received at MSN immediately.
I just tried direct email test #7 and #8, and those two were received at my MSN address immediately.
Edit: At least for the time being I'm going to change back to the hughes >> Gmail >> MSN forwarding scheme. Since originally writing this reply there were three notifications, but only one was forwarded to MSN. I'll change it back later tonight to see if it works again in between the time I sign off tonight and sign back on tomorrow, as I normally get a decent number of Community notifications during that time.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Thanks Gabe!
I'm just making sure I get everything straight, please correct me if I'm wrong:
-All test e-mails sent directly from the HN account to your MSN account arrived immediately except for last night's which came the next morning.
-7 community notification emails arrived in the HN account, but only 3 successfully forwarded to MSN.
-The first successful forward had a 15 min delay, but the other 2 were immediately.
-No bounce or emails indicating an error for the 4 notification emails that failed to forward to MSN.
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
That's all correct.
For some reason, the only time I get a failure notification is when it's a direct email to my MSN, and then only when it actually fails outright, and when that happens it's nearly always right after I try to send it that I get the failure note. This is why I figured the ones from last night might actually still make it, which they eventually did. There are never any failure notifications from the forwards that don't make it.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
OK thanks for the confirmation. Maybe failed forwards don't trigger error emails, but hopefully our e-mail admins can see something more on their end. I'll let them know about this as well as the persistent incorrect inbox indicator.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Good morning Gabe,
I have some requests from the e-mail admins regarding the forwarding issue and the notification issue:
About forwarding, can you please e-mail me the full header of the first forwarded email that was successfully was received but was 15 min late? The header might not fit in PM so you can paste it into email or even forward the email itself to us at
For the notification issue, for troubleshooting purposes, is it OK for the e-mail admins to mark everything in the inbox as read?
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Liz wrote:About forwarding, can you please e-mail me the full header of the first forwarded email that was successfully was received but was 15 min late? The header might not fit in PM so you can paste it into email or even forward the email itself to us at
I no longer had it at my address, as I've been deleting emails there for the purpose of both trying to make it easier to keep things straight regarding all of this and in an attempt to fix the Inbox indicator issue, so I had to forward it from my MSN mail. I hope that's okay, though this may be what you wanted. It sounds like they want to be able to see the past emails for troubleshooting purposes, so I'll stop deleting them from my webmail.
Liz wrote:For the notification issue, for troubleshooting purposes, is it OK for the e-mail admins to mark everything in the inbox as read?
Yes, this is fine.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
OK great! Once you're able to get a copy of a delayed forward (if it happens again) please send it my way.
I'll let the admins know they can mark your emails as read.
Thank you!
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Liz wrote:OK great! Once you're able to get a copy of a delayed forward (if it happens again) please send it my way.
So, for the sake of clarity, what I just sent was what you needed, and if it happens, resend the new one, and in the same way?
Or, do you need me to forward it from itself and not from MSN?
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Ah, I see your email. The e-mail admins would like the header for the email. You may have to check in the email properties or expand something at the top of the email to view the full header. They're more interested in the info in the headers than the body of the email, so doesn't matter from where you send it. I hope that made sense.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Good morning Gabe,
Thank you, I received it, this should do it.
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Just in case you or they may need to know this, I tried sending two direct test emails late last night, as in from to Both failed. They were sent at 10:58PM and 1:59AM. The failure notices came through at 5:32AM and 5:46AM, respectively.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Hi Gabe,
Thank you for letting me know. The e-mail admins confirmed that MSN is blocking e-mails from your IP at the moment and they've reached out to them to address this. I'll keep you posted.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Good morning Gabe,
I questioned the e-mail admins as to how forwarding can fail while sending works if the IP is blocked. You brought up an interesting situation where forwards to MSN don't work while direct mails still do.
Can you please try sending a test email from the HN account to your MSN and let me know if that succeeds? Then also try forwarding to MSN to see if that works. I think the e-mail admins would like to see current attempts now that they've confirmed the IP block.
- kitnbob5 years agoTutor
I have been following this thread,
So I sent a new message AND a forwarded message as Liz suggested and they were both sent without error from the SMTP server.
there was no server error at send time and no bounce message from MSN returned to me thru the pop server.
Neither of the messages showed up in my MSN inbox.
They just vanished.
Edit; after checking my logs, the messages were successfully received in the MSN inbox last on 12/10
Edit 2: Both messages arrived to the inbox 13 hrs after being sent
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Liz wrote:You brought up an interesting situation where forwards to MSN don't work while direct mails still do.
That should be "sometimes still do". The two on Friday failed, with an eventual failure notice, and when the others came through they were more often than not many hours late.
I just sent two emails directly from hughes to MSN. They were direct test #11 and #12. They were sent at 4:57PM and 4:58PM EST. They have not come through. There was no immediate failure notice, which likely means that they'll show up sometime later, though there's still the possibility that they'll fail, like the last two.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Gotcha. I met with some of the e-mail folks today for our now weekly check-in. Simply put, forwarded e-mail take a different path than direct e-mail and thus would refer to a different IP address.
They're still working on this block, so I'll keep you posted.
- GabeU5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Direct emails #11 and #12, which were sent at 4:57PM and 4:58PM respectively, were both received at MSN at 2:19AM EST, which is nearly 9.5 hours after sending them. They were received in reverse order (12 then 11).
I sent email #13 and #14, both at 2:35AM. They have not come through yet.
- kitnbob5 years agoTutor
I have similar results.
My outgoing mail Does eventually arrive in the MSN inbox.
Yesterday 6 hrs later and the last 2 arrived 13 hrs after being sent. They havent been returned anyway.
Reminds me of receiving text messages on my cell phone. I would get some texts the next day. So much for instant messaging. I have never used MSN Messaging have you?
Edit: Now that I think about it, I have received No Email notifications from the Community for 6 days. Last one was 12/09. Isnt that what this discussion is about?
- MarkJFine5 years agoProfessor
Just a thought on this mystery: Sometimes emails will get rejected for some reason so the sender tries again in a set amount of time. that time could be an hour, could be 24 hours. Could also be it keeps trying and finally gets accepted 24 hours later.
I'm thinking that this was initially set for a single try, which is why things were failing immediately. Someone went in and changed it for a series of retries, which is why things are now showing up much later.
- MarkJFine5 years agoProfessor
I've been getting them all along, best I can tell.
- kitnbob5 years agoTutor
Perhaps my Community Board settings are different than yours.
I am "subscribed" to any disscussion that I stick my 2 cents worth in, then the board sends me an email every time sombody else does too. In theory I should have received 2 emails from just you today. I received No email from the board subscriptions today or for the past 5 days. The email system is not sending them.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Thanks Gabe, I've sent this up to the e-mail admins. Let's wait to see how they're doing with their correspondence with MSN. I'll post back once I hear back from them.
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Hi Gabe!
An adjustment was made, please let me know if forwards and emails to MSN are working normally now.
Regarding the sending order, MSN also controls how traffic flows and this can affect the order in which e-mails are delivered.
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