Crappy tech support for slow internet
Long story short - poor tech support that can't seem to fix my slow internet, can't get a supervisor on the phone and apparently a genius in the billing department thinks I don't have a problem despite factual and historical data supporting my claim of slow internet.
Over a week ago I called tech support for slow internet that had been happening for about a week. After over an hour of troubleshooting, I was transferred to Advanced Support but had to wait 3 days for them to call. After over an hour of troubleshooting, speeds came up over 10Mbps download which Hughesnet considered good (despite advertising 25 Mbps download). Within a day, speeds back down. Have been running an automatic download speed test ( - same as Hughesnet tech support has had me use). Over a week of tests every 4-6 hours and I have 50 tests. 40 tests have been less than 10. There have been 8 tests less than 1, 11 tests between 1 and 5,and 21 tests between 5 and 10Mbps. Zero correlation with time of day if thinking fast speeds were late night/early morning. So a week later I call tech support and flat out refuse to work with standard tech support as I wasn't wasting an hour or more. Told Advanced Support would call the next day. No call. I call tech support and again have to strongly push back on standard tech support wanting to troubleshoot despite my history. I ask for supervision. 20 minutes later get told there is no supervisor and they will call me back. I then call to file a complaint about poor tech support and told that complaint handled by billing. I talk to the person who takes my info, gives a case # and tells me I will be called. Being as it is billing, I ask if I get a discount for the poor service and inability of tech support to help. This billing person has the gall to tell me my speeds look fine to her, which may have been at that particular moment in time. But why is someone in billing ignoring everything I just told her and trying to tell me I don't have a problem?