Forum Discussion

JRHill02's avatar
7 years ago

Data Consumption/leakage and Google Drive Sync

I've sequentially eliminated connections looking for the offending device and have found it: its my laptop. Bewildered, I noticed a few days ago that when I checked the GD (wink) sync status, there is a folder that fails to sync and the process keeps reinitiating and fails again and again. Since Anytime and Bonus quotas are gone for this month I can't get a handle on current usage now that sync is shut down but it would sure seem to be the culprit.


A separate observation is that since my service is "degraded" there is very little speed difference from when it is not. Hmmm.



  • You must also go back into Purchase Tokens and Use the ones available.

  • Hi JRHill02, 


    I see it's your first post here, so welcome to the community! That's a great catch, thank you for sharing your findings here! It may be useful for other Google Drive users who also may be in the same boat. I sent you a token so you can continue your observations on usage.


    While I was looking at your account, I noticed that the radio on your dish should be replaced. I've created a complimentary dispatch to get that addressed so your system is performing optimally.


    Your dispatch is currently scheduled for our earliest available slot: Wednesday, Jun 27, 2018 between 02:00 PM-05:00 PM . Call us at 866.347.3292 and reference case #113280937 if you need to reschedule. Please let us know how the site visit goes.




    • JRHill02's avatar

      Thank you, Liz, that was very kind. The time slot works just fine. Hopefully the tech will call 1st since we're off grid and will need instructions/directions.


      I've not done tokens before. Nothing shows up in the Control Center or Usage Monitor so I don't know how to take advantage of the gift....


      Best, JRH

      • GabeU's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV



        Regarding the token Liz sent, if you look on the HughesNet Usage Meter or look at the Usage section of the MyAccount page, you should see token data available.  On the Usage Meter you should see it on the "Token Bytes Available" line, and on the Usage page of the MyAccount site you should see it under "Data Tokens Available".  


        The red box is where you'll see your available Token Data.  This is my Usage Meter...



        Being that you are out of Anytime/Service Plan data, your service will automatically draw from any available Token Data that you have, which in this case would be the Token data that Liz gave you.  

    • JRHill02's avatar

      Just added the token. Seems I had other unused ones that I didn't know about (thx for the tip birddog).

      I have to add this: I have avoided calling HN Cust Serv like it would be the plague. I was a phone rep for many, many years and one thing I can't stand is someone on the other end, regardless of their location, who knows basically nothing except what's on a script. I try to be understanding but one can also understand my patience wears thin quickly. But now I have discovered another venue that gets me to knowledgable AND helpful folks - and much easier than on the phone from an off-grid location with 1x phone data, 2 bars of signal and no roads or services (yes, thats what ultimately happens to retired phone reps).


      So thanks to all of you who cover this duty - probably while you're doing "other duties as assigned", or this would be that (wink). I'll update this thread with findings later.



    • JRHill02's avatar

      Hi Liz, I have not heard from anyone by the evening before the scheduled service call you set up. Here is the chat thread - just FYI:

      i am to receive a service call tomorrow but have not been notified: case #113280937.Please verfify.
      8:16 PM
      Please wait while we are looking for an available representative...
      8:16 PM
      Representative found. Connecting...
      Thank you for contacting HughesNet Support. This is Ellen Hale. I appreciate the opportunity to assist you today.
      8:17 PM
      Let me go ahead and check that here for you Jim.
      8:17 PM
      hello ellen
      8:17 PM
      Hi Jim. I'm pulling up your account real quick.
      8:18 PM
      8:18 PM
      if I may ask, you have an idea what time is your service call tomorrow?
      8:20 PM
      "While I was looking at your account, I noticed that the radio on your dish should be replaced. I've created a complimentary dispatch to get that addressed so your system is performing optimally. Your dispatch is currently scheduled for our earliest available slot: Wednesday, Jun 27, 2018 between 02:00 PM-05:00 PM . Call us at 866.347.3292 and reference case #113280937 if you need to reschedule. Please let us know how the site visit goes. Thanks, Liz'
      8:21 PM
      Yes Jim?
      8:22 PM
      'Wednesday, Jun 27, 2018 between 02:00 PM-05:00 PM '
      8:22 PM
      Ellen, are you still available?
      8:25 PM
      We have not heard from you for some time. Please respond within the next few minutes to prevent your chat session from expiring.
      8:28 PM
      I want to verify if you have read my previous message so I could re-send it to you if you were not able to receive it?
      8:28 PM
      Can you confirm the arrival time,plz?
      8:28 PM
      That is not showing yet Jim. If you want, you have the option to contact them directly, we can give you their direct number.
      8:29 PM
      Why do I have to contact someone? I called HughesNet. Can you not solve this internally?
      8:31 PM
      Ellen,are you there?
      Yes I'm here Jim, have you received my message?
      8:34 PM
      Yes, I called upon you. Please resolve the appointment time.
      Jim, as much as I want to. All we can do here is to set up and appointment or cancel an appointment. We don't have the time when technician will come. If I will give you, I'm lying then.
      For you to get that specific information, we advise contacting them directly.
      8:37 PM
      I don't understand who "them" would be... I contacted HughesNet about HughesNet service. Please explain.
      8:39 PM
      8:41 PM
      And would there be anything else I can help you with for today?


      I have a hard time believing I was talking to a human. anyway, Liz, the replacement of the radio is currently unresolved. Sigh.

      • gokartergo24's avatar

        All of us Hughesnet techs are sub contractors.  All HNS can do is set up the appointment..  For me.. I always call the day before. and give the 3 hour window.  Then keep the customer informed if for any reason I am running late.. I also call when I'm about 30 minutes out..

  • OK, the result for 24hrs proved it the offending app was the Google Drive Sync as it was trying to sync an old work folder which was not needed anyway. I added 1Gb and it was consumed in 24hrs after exiting the sync app.. Still way high for my type of usage (I do a moderate amount of research but do not stream music/video exc. for an occasional news item). Of note is that I have worked from home for many years, always via satellite before retiring with all resources and systems being IP based. I went from WildBlue to 3G in one location and then to DishNet and now HughesNet in this location. What is curious is that when I began service with HughesNet my consumed bandwidth more than doubled, immediately, with all things being equal exc. that now being retired I am not at my desk for 8+ hrs a day and no more skype calls, web prezos, SFDC, etc. My usage s/b at its lowest.


    I have chalked this up to be a difference in the way bandwidth is measured with HughesNet vs. with the other providers. I'll continue to keep and eye on this issue. 


    Thx again, all, for the assistance.

  • Just a random thought but it does get me to wondering: we are 100% off grid on solar. Over the 8 years I've had several devices that don't like the solar. Its not the inverter - heck, the full wave output is cleaner and more reliable than grid power. Its the panels and charge controller. The interference from these components feed into all circuits within the house and the buried lines to outbuildings, etc. For example, because we are in a canyon the AM/FM/VHF/UHF signals are weaker than the interference emmited from the high voltage DC side of the system and there is no reception until a receiver is moved 25' either side from a power conductor or anything connected to the source. Additionally there are some devices that malfunction just by being connected or in the vicinity of a power source.


    There is nothing to be done about this as I'm very involved with a forum with some really smart folks and there is no effective filtering. Some of these systems power remote RF facilities for broadcasting/repeating and the ONLY resovle has been to locate reception/xmission well off from the solar with some magic in-between.

    So I have to ask: For those who have HughesNet because there are no other services due to remoteness and no utility services whatsoever, and on some flavor of 100% solar has there been a correlation of misbehavior of the modem/radio with respect to bandwidth speed and usage?


    Some people may be rolling their eyes but I've been investigating mystery malfunctions for a while and this potential got my attention.

    • JT-Hughes's avatar



      So I have to ask: For those who have HughesNet because there are no other services due to remoteness and no utility services whatsoever, and on some flavor of 100% solar has there been a correlation of misbehavior of the modem/radio with respect to bandwidth speed and usage?


      I'm going to say ...    Yes     (  i have no idea, but can tell that you do.. and NOT rolling eyes!  )


       you mentioned this topic may have potentially grabbed your attention..?

      I can't wait til there is a topic that Really Really gets your attention!

      You must be quite the researcher.



      • JRHill02's avatar



        Yeah, I know how to research. And I'm not prone to lemming type of stampedes. So MANY problems happen for really simple and, I daresay, sloppy habits. But I was asking specifically about solar as detailed, not about generalist naysaying around the "So MANY problems..."