Although this isn't really what you're looking for, if I want to know if I'm running myself up against the wall I just multiply the days I have left in my cycle by the average daily allowance. My daily allowance is 645MB, as it's a 31 day cycle this time and I have the 20GB plan. 20GB divided by 31 days is 645MB per day. Right now I have 9 days left in my cycle, and I have about 8000MB of data remaining. 9 days times 645MB is 5805MB, so I'm good. If the amount I have left was smaller than 5805MB, I'd be in trouble, at least concerning my average allowable daily data amount.
You have the 50GB plan, so your average daily allowance (31 days for you in this cycle, too) is 1613MB. So, if you have six days left in your cycle, by the average, you should have 9678MB. If what you have left is more than 9678MB you're good. If what you have left is less than 9678MB, you'd basically be over what you should have used by now. Judging by your top picture, it looks like you have around 11GB left, or maybe a little less by now. That's about 1.3GB of wiggle room, so you're okay. Again, going by the allowable daily average, you should have about 9678MB left, and you have around 11,000MB, so you're still okay.
I hope I didn't confuse you.