Forum Discussion

Danny89's avatar
4 years ago

Gettin those Severe Speed Issues Again, and Web Acceleration is not supported?

Hey, im on throttle except for my Bonus Zone(currently 11GB). Im getting speeds as low as 13kB/s according to TestMy. I havent done a battery of tests yet though. But ive noticed that on the System S...
  • Liz's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hi folks,


    Regarding WAS, “Web Acceleration Not Supported” is a normal condition.  Hughes continuously updates configuration and technology to maximize user performance.  Web Acceleration technology developed by Hughes accelerates non-secure (HTTP) web browsing by pre-fetching certain content, minimizing the impact of the round-trip delay over the satellite.  However, the vast majority of web content is now secure (HTTPS), so Web Acceleration has no benefit for most web browsing. Hughes is turning down the Web Acceleration components in certain areas to evaluate the performance impact, if any, as part of our normal network maintenance and optimization.


    Also, reduced speeds under the Fair Access Policy can fluctuate as much as when not subject to the policy, so we can't guarantee any sort of range under that circumstance.

