Forum Discussion
Hosts File Ignored
- 6 years ago
The HT2000w uses a transparent proxy to fetch and load websites, this may interfear with some browsers loading pages based on local host files.
I suggest disabling Web Acceleration, then flush your DNS cache, and see if that helps.
Though I don't know if it will work for what you need, you can change the DNS used in the modem by signing into this HughesNet modem page (use admin as the password), then click on Advanced Setup and DNS. There you can uncheck "Obtain from ISP" and input any DNS you wish. Keep in mind that this is only IPv4. There's no way to set the IPv6 DNS in the modem.
Also, though I don't know if it will affect what you're trying to do, HughesNet uses dynamically changing, shared IP addresses rather than a static one for each subscriber. You can, however, get a static IP with a HughesNet Business account. Just thought I'd mention in case it does come into play.
The HT2000w uses a transparent proxy to fetch and load websites, this may interfear with some browsers loading pages based on local host files.
I suggest disabling Web Acceleration, then flush your DNS cache, and see if that helps.
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