Forum Discussion
incomplete internet?
- 4 years ago
Maybe try clearing your DNS cache:
1. Turn off all of the devices using the modem (all phones, iPads, computers, etc.)
2. Unplug the modem's power from the wall socket.
3. Wait a minute, then plug the modem back in.
4. Wait about 5 minutes after all the lights on the modem are back on, then turn all your devices on one-by-one. - 4 years ago
Email issue may be something unrelated. The streaming issue was caused by a corrupted DNS cache entry that propagated across your LAN. In general, if something isn't working correctly, try to immediately reboot the modem before it propagates across the network and is picked up by peripheral devices. If it still doesn't work, if can be rectified by doing the procedure maratsade provided, which also clears the bad entry on those peripheral devices.
Mary, check your modem page (!/home/status). What's the State Code? Check it especially when the problem is occurring.
- hooterville4 years agoSenior
Hi maratsade,
It says 0.0.0 fully operational, but it clearly is not
Mary S.
- hooterville4 years agoSenior
Also, when we try to stream something we get a message that says that the network is unstable,
Mary S.
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