Forum Discussion

GeorgeFerguson's avatar
8 years ago

Just a Quick Question

I recently upgraded from the the HN9000 to Gen 5 and so far I'm quite happy with it. The question I have is if I don't use all the 50GB allowance in the billing cycle/month, is the unused data carried over to the next month? Pretty sure I read in the advertisment that it was carried over but just want to check.


Many thanks


  • So it's use it or lose it, okay I'll be sure to use all data left before the next billing cycle/reset.

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    No.  There is no data carryover, save for banked token data and tokens that have been purchased but have not yet been banked.  

    • GeorgeFerguson's avatar

      So it's use it or lose it, okay I'll be sure to use all data left before the next billing cycle/reset.