Forum Discussion
Modem connected to Outroute ID 7...
- 8 years ago
...didn't I say if you get thrown onto 7 due to weather that you could be on it for a few days? >.>?
I only noticed the Outroute ID 7 thing after performing a speed test and, other than when there was a wide issue a few months back for a couple of hours, my speed was lowest it had ever been with Gen5. I occasionally see peak usage time slowdowns, but they are very slight. This was down in the single digits. While that's still a decent speed for anything other than HD streaming (the speed was enough, but it was a "choppy" speed), it was a little alarming. I then looked to see what was going on and saw the Outroute ID had changed to 7.
I knew that it wasn't really a pressing matter, though, and more of a curiosity than anything else. The speeds last night were low for a short time again, but picked back up much more quickly. And, of course, they're fine, now.
I have no clue what the Outroute ID codes are. Is there a list saying what each code means? I never bothered to look at them and see if mine ever changed because I had no idea what they were for.
Mine is currently showing 4 I am not sure what it normally is or what it should be.
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