Forum Discussion
New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)
- 8 years ago
My repoint to ES17 is done. Promising for sure.
As speeds can always go up and down on a whim, I will ride this for a week ro two before I say it is fixed for sure but apepars we should be good to go.
Before the installer came over I had a about 1Mbps down.... and after, they are 24 and 17Mbps so far.
What appears to have suffered in the switch back to ES17 is uploads so far. I was getting better 2Mbps before the installer came over and now getting between 800K and 1Mbps. I can live with that. ;-)
So... so far so good. Thanks Hughes for getting things back on track.
macsociety wrote:Appointment has been set by local dealer to come out and point my dish back to Sat 17. They did not say they will replace the dish though. Mine is the older Gen 4 dish so not sure what size it is. When they installed Gen 5 they just pointed my same dish at ES19 and slapped a new modem on back in September. Anyway, will know Monday night if this makes things better or not.
Hoping for the best.
not sure if this will be an issue or not, but I am in FAP right now. After installer comes out and re-directs, he will only get slow FAP speeds. Will not know if the issue is really resolved. I don't fall out of FAP until the 28th.
What do you recommend I do. He gets here late afternoon on Monday the 22nd.
Thanks for the heads up, I replied to your PM regarding this.
- macsociety8 years agoAdvanced Tutor
Liz wrote:HI TJ,
Thanks for the heads up, I replied to your PM regarding this.
Hi Liz, I received your PM and also replied there as I am not seeing the tokens.
- Liz8 years agoModerator
Regarding tokens, try clicking the Buy Tokens button when you're looking at the Usage Meter. You'll then see what tokens you have available to use by clicking the "use" link next to them.
This screenshot is out of date, but the basic info and function remains the same.
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
When you click on Purchase Data Tokens in the Usage Meter, you should see something to indicate either Prepaid Tokens or Free Tokens (besides the ones listed that you can buy). You can click on the corresponding button to add one.
To get to the screen similar to the picture in Liz's reply, sign in to the MyAccount site, click on the Usage tab, and then click on the "Buy Tokens" button under the Usage data on the right. There you should see the Prepaid or Free tokens listed. I don't know which they show up as, but they'll be there.
Personally, I prefer signing into the My Account site and adding them there, as you can seem more info about them on Buy Tokens popup page than you can from the Usage Meter.
- macsociety8 years agoAdvanced Tutor
My repoint to ES17 is done. Promising for sure.
As speeds can always go up and down on a whim, I will ride this for a week ro two before I say it is fixed for sure but apepars we should be good to go.
Before the installer came over I had a about 1Mbps down.... and after, they are 24 and 17Mbps so far.
What appears to have suffered in the switch back to ES17 is uploads so far. I was getting better 2Mbps before the installer came over and now getting between 800K and 1Mbps. I can live with that. ;-)
So... so far so good. Thanks Hughes for getting things back on track.
- Liz8 years agoModerator
Thank you for your update, TJ. I'm happy to hear the repoint has helped so far. Please keep us posted.
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