Forum Discussion
Problems with voice dropping calls - had been working fine
- 7 years ago
OK, it looks like we have a fix! Happy dance!
I had an online chat with customer service yesterday afternoon, posting the same description that I have above. The rep I chatted with was Angela Gray, and she was methodical and patient. (I have an IT background and I understand the need for tedious detailed steps.) I will admit that I was skeptical of her solution, but I think she was absolutely correct.
This is how I had things wired. It was installed this way, and worked fine for 9 months.
MODEM - - - - - - - - - - - ATA- - - - - - - - - - -ROUTER - - - - - - other stuffMODEM
Angela said that the wiring should look like this:
MODEM - - - - - - - - - - - ATA
MODEM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ROUTER - - - - - - other stuff
That is, NOTHING should be plugged into the fourth (green) port on the ATA. The internet comes in from the modem on the yellow port, the phone jack plugs in to Phone 1 (blue?) port. That's it.
The modem has four internet out ports on it, so plugging the router into one of those was simple, once Angela got it through my thick head that this was an option.
We have not had a call drop since. We talked to my daughter for over an hour last night. I'm calling this a solution.
I commend Angela's patience, clarity, and knowledge.
I haven't heard from the VOIP team.
Last night, our first call was dropped after about 12 minutes. The phone began ringing repeatedly as though the person we were talking to was trying to call back (she wasn't) and when we would answer, the line was dead. Hang up. Repeat. I turned off power to the ATA to make that stop. After that, we could make a call and it would last a minute or two before disconnecting.
I hope to hear from the VOIP team soon. We have no cell phone signal at home, so we can't really call customer service.
Hi DocT,
Thanks for the additional details. Our corporate VOIP team isn't going to reach out to you, I only just escalated your case yesterday after you posted in the community. I will post back once I have any updates from the team.
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