Forum Discussion

GabeU's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
8 years ago

Question for those who have upgrade from Gen4 to Gen5 regarding data resets...

For those of you who have upgraded from Gen4 to Gen5 (like me), are you receiving daily data resets like the initial ten or twenty days of daily data resets when one upgraded from a legacy plan to Gen4 or got Gen4 when they first got their HughesNet service?  I am not getting those resets, though, to be honest, I don't know that I am supposed to.  


I know that the resets when one goes from a legacy plan to Gen4 or got Gen4 when they first signed up are/were there for people to be able to do data intensive things that they may need to do, like updating or upgrading their devices and such.  But, when going from Gen4 to Gen5 one isn't going to be in need of that and what's changing isn't such that something like that would be needed or even taken advantage of in that way.  


So, I'm just curious if any of you are having those initial twenty days of data resets.  Again, this question is only for those upgrading from Gen4 to Gen5, as anything else would be a different situation and have different circumstances.




  • I think the system only treats new Jupiter based installs that way... Don't think upgrades from Jupiter One to Jupiter Two would get the initial 20 day reset...  I assume your HT2000w SAN is the same as your Jupiter One SAN?

  • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
    Associate Professor

    I think the system only treats new Jupiter based installs that way... Don't think upgrades from Jupiter One to Jupiter Two would get the initial 20 day reset...  I assume your HT2000w SAN is the same as your Jupiter One SAN?

    • GabeU's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      Yep, the SAN is the same.       


      When I saw today that the data had not reset I wasn't that suprised.  I figured it was because, though it's an upgrade, it's a completely different type of upgrade than going from a legacy plan to a Gen4 plan.  



      • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
        Associate Professor

        When you get near your reset date, if it's before mine, you should like, FAP your unit and do bunches of speed tests and share with us. :D