Forum Discussion
Seperate login but combined logout
Hi, I need to know if there is some way around being logged out of both My Account and email when just logging out of email. I watch my data useage fairly closely through the My Account/Usage page. That often reminds me to check my email also. I am logged in to My Account and when I open email, I'm required to login again, seperate logins for each. The problem is, when I want to close email, I click the email logout and it logs me out of both email and My Account. Seperate logins/combined logouts. I log out of email to stop this machine from slowing, dual core until next upgrade.
I don't know if I haven't searched deeply enough but I also have yet to see a logout for My Account. It appears that the only logout is thru the email menu, not that it's an issue since I'm already logging out of email.
This wouldn't be as big an issue if it didn't take a painfully long time to login to either page, 39 to 53 seconds. Not long when compared to the distance between the Earth and the Sun but long enough when you've just thought up a great response to a tweet.
Along that same line I'd like to know if a logout process will continue if I close the email page before the logout is complete since logging out doesn't take as long as login but it's still slow.
Appreciate any response
It's one of the weird things about the skylogin feature.
Only thing I can suggest is keep a separate browser tab open and logged in for My Account and don't logout. In email just close the tab email is opened in, the tab that My Account is opened in should stay logged in.
Unfortunately, anytime you log out of anything that is connected to the MyAccount page, whether it's email or the Community or the MyAccount page itself, it logs you out of everything. The only thing I can suggest is like BirdDog mentioned, and that's just closing (X-ing out of) the email tab/window instead of actually logging out of it. It will still close your email, but it shouldn't log you out of anything else. But, the second you log out of your email it will log you out of everything else connected to that MyAccount page, including the page that includes your data usage, as it's all part of the skylogin.
- BirdDogAssistant Professor
It's one of the weird things about the skylogin feature.
Only thing I can suggest is keep a separate browser tab open and logged in for My Account and don't logout. In email just close the tab email is opened in, the tab that My Account is opened in should stay logged in.
- dfbeckJunior
Thanks but I do that now and I still get logged out. I did error in my description of where it is I logout email. It is logged out on the email page itself, not on the My Account logout but it makes no difference, My Account still closes. The main concern I have now, that was pointed out to me is that my My Account page is not secure. I don't know exactly what that opens me up for since the warning says the info being transfered, passwords and credit card numbers, is retrievable by lowlifes and rapscallions, but does it allow them access to my computer? I did just note that this page is secure but I can't check data useage from here.
Thanks - dfbeckJunior
Sorry, I didn't point out which logout I was using to exit email that logged me out of My Account correctly. I am using the logout on the email page proper and it still logs me out as the email page closes. I also notice that closing the My Account page on Win 7 tab closes it sometimes but no always. I don't know it's like the 5 second rule for food dropped on the floor, if you get back to it soon enough it's still open (edible). That closure is my fault, close the wrong tab in 7.
- dfbeckJunior
I'm afraid you may be correct, it's just something I have to live with. I'm leary about leaving pages open that use any cpu or memory resources, especially when using Photoshop or Youtube but it appears I don't have a choice.
I don't know who posted this solution first but I'm giving it to you. I'll see if I can give one to GabeU also. Thanks for the advice.
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
"I watch my data useage fairly closely through the My Account/Usage page. "
Could you try a different method of monitoring your data? There's My Usage at the top of the community's pages; there's the usage meter, there's the SCC, and there's the app.
- dfbeckJunior
Could you elaborate on the SCC and app? If by app you mean one of the many on-line apps that track usage, I do have one of those, I use the My Account usage meter because it's more detailed and it up dates more accurately via page refresh but I'll try about anything that's accurate, detailed, and safe. I use Glasswire now but it doesn't track usage that matches Hughes and has to be reset every month.
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
- The SCC is located at The site is very comprehensive.
- The Hughesnet app is available from Google Play or the App Store. It does a number of things, including telling you the strength of the wifi in every room in your house, and it also measures usage. This app is a Hughesnet app, not third party
- At the top of the Community site you have a link to My Usage. It's very simplistic, but gives you an idea.
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