Forum Discussion
8 years agoSophomore
"This page can't be displayed" Joined HughesNet 9 days ago & on phone w/cust. svc. over 10 hrs
In IE, states "This Page can't be displayed, in Safari, states cannot connect with server, in Chrome, states I am offline. Time of day does not matter and device does not matter. Have cleared cache,...
- 8 years agoUpdate, service technician came to the house and replaced the radio receiver on the external dish at my house on July 23rd. I have had almost no downtime since it was replaced.
8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Are you able to bring up the System Control Center by typing into the address box and hitting enter? If so, are both boxes at the top of the page green?
How are you connected to the HT2000W? Directly with a LAN cable or through WiFi?
8 years agoSophomore
When I do ipconfig from my command prompt it shows the modem address as, which doesn't match the address it should be.
- C0RR0SIVE8 years agoAssociate Professor
The modem is a combo router and modem... Having a LAN side address of 192.168.41.x is normal, as that is the router side IP address. is the modem side of the unit which reports the status of everything.
- stongate8 years agoSophomoreOk, but I'm still not connected.
- stongate8 years agoSophomoreThe guy with Home Tech Support said that was an issue is the reason I brought it up. He also said there was an initial setup issue on HughesNet end which is why I haD Internet service the first day, then yesterday when the new modem was finally entered in HughesNet end yesterday and then at 11 pm on the dot last night I lost connectivity.
- stongate8 years agoSophomoreIf of any interest to HughesNet the reference numbers I kept track of are 104675337, 104678239, 104717891, 104718621, 104752791, and 104763669
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