Forum Discussion

eco's avatar
3 months ago

Under 200 KPS Speed

11.2 It appears the slow speed demon is back. From 3 hours ago to now testmytest speed was under 200 KPS.

Hope this is resolved. Thanks

  • 11.10 10:10 Am.

    My speeds are much improved, no buffering in the evenings now.

    Sadly the 40mps speeds  after the latest fix have been reduced to the upper 20s to 12 later in the day.

    I appreciate Hughes performance restored to usable. Thanks

  • 11.3 4 Am speed 12 MPS (Hughes ) .7 Am Unable to get Hughes speed test-too slow.

    Testmytest showed .02 MPS. Looks like no Youtube this Sunday 🙂

    Hope the same fix that worked for a few weeks works again? Thanks

    • eco's avatar

      11.4 4:45 Am

      As shows in the speed tests, the speed problem has returned.

      After a good start for the day, speeds degraded to not be able to use Hughes test, tesymytest showed 2KPS. There was a short period about 2 Pm when the speed on Testmytest was 12 MPS , that was soon gone, and 2KPS returned for the rest of the day. Gone are the speeds (49MPS ) after the fix clearly something is amiss again. Hope it is resolved soon Thanks

      • eco's avatar

        11.4 12:00 Pm update, as yesterday, at noon speed was 10 MPS (Testmytest.

        Yesterday that didn't last, hope it does. Thanks