Forum Discussion

CWM030's avatar
5 years ago

Useage Meter broken

I just thought that I would write in and say my useage meter is broken.    Last night it said I had 14.6 gigs left and now its back to 100% and has not moved since last night.    Does that mean I...
  • GabeU's avatar
    5 years ago



    If you're still in your first twenty days of service your data allotment is being refilled.  These initial twenty days are known as the "relaxed bandwidth period."  After these twenty days your data will start being drawn down from your allotment in the normal manner.  


    HughesNet does this as a courtesy for new subscribers so that they can update/upgrade their devices to current without it negatively affecting their normal data allotment, as these activities can use a LOT of data, especially if the devices haven't been connected to the net in a while.


    Hope this helps.  🙂 

  • GabeU's avatar
    5 years ago



    You're welcome.