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Be Safe this Holiday Season - Avoid Phishing Attempts

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Be Safe this Holiday Season - Avoid Phishing Attempts

Wasn't allowed to kudo this in Annoucements, so consider this a massive one here @Liz.


Apparently there have been quite a few people that received that email and were about to respond to it.

If the email domain doesn't tip you off, the link to the form should...

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.

Thanks, Mark!


Yeah every once in a while these come along (and they're getting better at this!) so we need to send out a gentle reminder to everyone to not fall for this. I'm sure there still will be people who miss the memo or didn't learn from last time, then end up posting here or calling us, wondering if this is legit. Smiley Tongue


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Distinguished Professor IV



I don't know if it does, as I'm not going to click on it, but does that wordpress link go to anything bad?   If so....eek.  

I left most of the link off, so it should be safe. Just goes to the root home page.

* Disclaimer: I am a HughesNet customer and not a HughesNet employee. All of my comments are my own and do not necessarily represent HughesNet in any way.
Distinguished Professor IV

@MarkJFine wrote:

I left most of the link off, so it should be safe. Just goes to the root home page.

That's good.  I didn't know if the hosting site itself could be nefarious, so I was a little worried that someone might click on it.   

Associate Professor


Curious, would it be possible for Hughesnet to send out a mass email to all users to inform them of such things, and what people should, or should not do when it concerns email?



Thank you for the suggestion, that's a good idea. While we were discussing this here at corporate, the idea to email everyone did come up, but was not discussed further. I'll bring it up again to see if this is something we can do in the future in addition to posting a community announcement.



If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

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Distinguished Professor IV

People are so sensitized to phishing emails, though, that they may think the email is dodgy.  An announcement on a web page seems to carry more weight, imo.

Distinguished Professor IV



While that's definitely true, I think a warning email about phishing scams would tend to be trusted, as the warning email wouldn't ask for any info and would be dissuading people from trusting the ones that do.  


I think both a warning email AND a notice here would be good, as the emails would also catch the customers that don't come here or even know about the Community, which I am relatively certain is the majority.   

Distinguished Professor IV

Good points, @GabeU


I wonder how many people use their HN email account, though.  Still, at least the company will have done their due diligence, even if people don't check their account.

Distinguished Professor IV

Adding a massive kudo for Liz et al.