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New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)

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New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)

Hi, new Gen 5 owner in Northern Calfornia, near Sacramento up in the foothills.  Service installed yesterday.  Slow very slow speeds.  Called tech support at Hughes today and they said they will escalate the call to engineering which means another 2 to 3 business days before I get help.


Kind of stinks since it was just installed yesterday.


Anyway, last speed test I ran was 1.1Mbps down.  Sheesh.  


Went through over an hour call with Hughes today running tests and such just to prove I am getting slow speeds.  Then told have to wait until next week to get it looked at.


In case this can help....  I am pointed at:

Satellite NameEchoStar-19-NAD

Gateway ID8

Beam ID55

Outroute ID7


Thanks for the ear.




My repoint to ES17 is done.  Promising for sure.


As speeds can always go up and down on a whim, I will ride this for a week ro two before I say it is fixed for sure but apepars we should be good to go.


Before the installer came over I had a about 1Mbps down.... and after, they are 24 and 17Mbps so far.


What appears to have suffered in the switch back to ES17 is uploads so far.  I was getting better 2Mbps before the installer came over and now getting between 800K and 1Mbps.  I can live with that.  😉  


So... so far so good.  Thanks Hughes for getting things back on track.



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Cause I am from northern California? Ok off your thread

Well thats a bummer.  was gone for a week, back on friday night and the internet was working well. didnt bother with a speed test until sat morning i think, and it was 20-30+ over the weekend. so i figured it was "back to normal'.


Monday night now, and 2.5ish download speeds.  Having to use my phone right now to post this..... 😞

@timandjodi wrote:

Well thats a bummer.  was gone for a week, back on friday night and the internet was working well. didnt bother with a speed test until sat morning i think, and it was 20-30+ over the weekend. so i figured it was "back to normal'.


Monday night now, and 2.5ish download speeds.  Having to use my phone right now to post this..... 😞

Does it do the same after a unplug of the modem, wait a few minutes... then plug back in.  Has for me the last couple times.  Speed goes from unusable and 36K uploads and 1Mbps down to much better as shown in my speedtests.  


Hope we don't have to get in a habit of having to do that but so far it has helped me.  In the past unplug and reset did nothing.  Lately it has.


I had some work to get done tonight so could not afford to wait it out hours and hours w/o unplugging to see if speeds came back... so I did the deed.  But in the past have let it go and by morning, speeds went up.  




You are not the only one I have the same issues since 9-16-17. Every day I have ran Hughes net speed test and get very slow speeds. It is annoying promised speeds of 25 go to get .39. I am in the Placerville area and had a local company install my service I have called a couple times did all the test and was referred to the engineer dept. Don't hold your breath thinking they will rush to fix your issues. First time I was told I would be contacted that day iron for sure the next. A couple days later I called back and had to go through all the test again to even an advance tech to be referred to the engineers dept again. Well that was last Monday and I checked again last Friday to be told I should be contacted by 10-10-17. They track the speed test through the hughesnet speedtest so I suggest using that test. Good luck

ike0224 - 


Also in Placerville, I'll likely be cancelling shortly unless something happens to bring it back to the way it was a few weeks ago.


Just wanted to mention Verizon has a home internet/wifi service that uses their LTE signal and is an alternative option for us.  Assuming that you get a decent Verizon signal where you are at.  

@timandjodi wrote:

ike0224 - 


Also in Placerville, I'll likely be cancelling shortly unless something happens to bring it back to the way it was a few weeks ago.


Just wanted to mention Verizon has a home internet/wifi service that uses their LTE signal and is an alternative option for us.  Assuming that you get a decent Verizon signal where you are at.  

Tonight is pretty bad.  Wife and I can't even browser the web at the same time.  Nice holiday weekend and we can't chill out and enjoy the internet.  ;-(


Last 25MB failed to even complete and the one before that was 1.6Mbps.


Unfortunately if Hughes did make adjustments, they appear to not have made a difference.  I just reset by modem again and no differences.  ;-(



Good morning folks,


Thank you for your updates, we've relayed your feedback to the engineers. We're waiting on confirmation from the appropriate people on whether the network adjustments slated for Saturday were completed on beam 55.


Your patience and understanding are much appreciated.




If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

Slow performance? Click me!


I hope you had better luck with someone getting back to you than i have from Engineering...been a weel with extremely slow internet,called Tech 3 times..ran upload/download test from Hughesnet sit,like you slow as molasses and i keep getting told someone from engineering will call. Spent ANOTHER hour on the phone with Tech just now and AGAIN someone will call...Hughesnet tech service is the worst.

12:50 am - 28Mbs


A few hours earlier?  280 Kb


So if I wanna use Hughesnet while I'm sleeping....I'm good to go.

Hi beam 55 folks,


Thank you for providing your speeds and feedback, please keep them coming so we can keep engineering informed. They confirmed that the work planned last Saturday was completed. Also, we've learned that two other network adjustments are slated for this Thursday, then the next Monday, Oct 16. The engineers did make clear that after these changes, there won't be an immediate improvement, so just keep checking in with us with your speeds and experiences. There's still another update down the line that should also help address your speed concerns, once we hear more about that, we'll let you know.


Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.


If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

Slow performance? Click me!

Hi All, Beam 55 here , and after FAP my speeds are not what they were before the troubles.

I get less than 2 Mbs consistantly and worse since the troubles.Used to be before the troubles, being FAPPED didn't change my speeds, I had 2.9 Mbs streams didn't buffer. Now 😞

What changed the first week of October?


10.10.17 8:15 Am Pst


Hughes 10.10.17.pngFatfacecat.png

Sorry, but this is a total joke, and not at all what we are paying for.


I've tried really hard to remain patient and not get too frustrated, but now the answer is basically that there is no answer, the "fix" probably wont actually fix anything, and we are just waiting for more and more "adjustments"....


This is not directed at all at Liz, as far as I can tell this is totally out of her control and she's been doing what she can and telling us whatever she can, thank you for that Liz.


But this is just to everyone else- something very obviously was changed a couple of weeks ago.  I'd wake up, hop on the computer, and check the speed (being a curious new customer to satellite internet) and speeds would normally be 30-40-50+ Mbs download.  And they would generally stay at 30+ throughout most of the day, with a predictible slow down after about 5pm for a few hours, most of the that time web browsing was still very acceptable, streaming HD might be a little difficult, but otherwise still usable.


After adjusting to the latency, I was overall pretty happy with my new satellite internet, I had enough data for most of whatever I wanted including a decent amount of Netflix streaming.  Then a little over 2 weeks ago, things changed dramatically.  Now the fast times of the day are ~5 Mbs and the evenings as you all know are unusable.


So the potenial is there (or was there) and we just aren't getting it anymore.  And no fix in sight?  2 more years of this?  Nope, I'm not paying for this "service".


Thanks again Liz for trying to help...

Gass Valley here pretty much sucks getting tired of paying for this crap!!!!!!!!!!!


@TripleMRanch wrote:

Gass Valley here pretty much sucks getting tired of paying for this crap!!!!!!!!!!!


Hope you are not affected by the fires.  

I am sure Hughes will get it all worked out.

But yes, it is aggravating not having reliable usable speed.


Painfully slow this afternoon.

Even upload has slowed up.

Downloads of 959kbps and 2.31Mbps the last 2.

My last upload was only 986kbps.

Smiley Sad


Wow- lucky you, My last mytest said 9 KBPS. Put in a call to Rural net and Verizon- we'll see what happens. By the way, I have had Hughesnet for over 10 years, and this is the worst it's ever been. As well as the most expensive. But, in their defense, this is better customer service than it used to be. A couple years ago you would have had no communication from them whatsoever.

@alacatr wrote:

Wow- lucky you, My last mytest said 9 KBPS. Put in a call to Rural net and Verizon- we'll see what happens. By the way, I have had Hughesnet for over 10 years, and this is the worst it's ever been. As well as the most expensive. But, in their defense, this is better customer service than it used to be. A couple years ago you would have had no communication from them whatsoever.

I have been on and off a Hughes customer since 2001.  Whatever service they offered in 2001 is what I started with.  Then left and went local line of site, but that had issues, so went back to Hughes again.  Then left to ATT Wireless Home Phone & Internet, and was decent, but slow at the same time (1 to 3Mbps) but a steady slow.  Just pained me they wanted $10 per GB overage, so I went back to Hughes with Gen 5.  This just happened so the jury is out in longer term if I chose well.  Right now it looks bleak but I feel they will iron things out and when it happens, having OK speeds in in FAP will be nice.  I am hoping it all pans out.  TJ

Hi timandjodi,


Thank you for taking the time to throughtfully share your experience. I understand your frustration, I wish I could make things better with the push of a button. What I can do is bring your post to light when we check in with the engineers tomorrow. They are aware of general complaints about performance, but sometimes it helps to hear from individuals, so again, thank you for voicing your concerns.


Also, in case you missed it, I sent you another private message in the top right corner of the community page.


If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

Slow performance? Click me!

Thanks Liz. I did see your message and the new one you just sent.  I was trying to hold out and give you guys a chance.  Thanks for the help.



Thank you for your patience! Wow!! Yesterday I called Hughes Net to inform them my satellite dish fell backwards. I spoke to a young man in Brownsville Texas. Again WOW!! Not a good wow either! I had to repeat myself several times my dish fell and I had called the company that installed the system and they would be at my house today. I was calling just in case the engineers might be doing something? LOL so after being put on hold and asked to run test again ad repeating "MY Dish is pointing straight up in the air, I have no internet!" I wish I remembered this guys name! He would reply," yes I am sorry I know it is frustrating not have any internet" So why did he keep asking to run test! I asked him the status of my case nd he could not find anything. Well I was not happy! So after more time on hold, he found my information! Again told 7-10 days and since last Wednesday 10-4-17 called my 7-10 days start and the weekends are not included. When in fact the first called on Monday 10-2-17 and was told my case was esculated to the engineers and I should be called that day. If not for sure tomorrow. Thus the reason for the Wednesday call. I sent an email and was told I would hear from an engineer by 10-10-17. Hey today is 10-10-17 and guess what no call! I am not impressed with how answers are vague and pretty much well.........a lie!


This is affecting local business' like the company I went through. It was explained he has to buy the equipment and when istalled he is paid for the equipment and the sale. Then he went on to say is bound to the same contract as his customers. So if I was to cancel service he loses money. Not to mention losing 2 sales because of this poor speeds. He installed my service on 9-16-17 and today 10-10-17 because of who knows what happen to make the dish  fall, was remounted and signal great from the dish to router. Yet from the router to the laptop lousy slow speed. 


I would like a truthful answer and get the speed promise to me when I decided to sign up for Hughesnet. I hesitated for months until seeing the great Gen 5.




You and i are in the same boat........... same area/same problem.  Signed up on new Gen5  about 2 months ago. Worked fine for maybe 2 or 3 weeks then the bottom fell out.  I now get speeds likie .10Kbps/download  0/kbs upload.  Got the same run around with tech support.  Finallay got some answers about a week+ ago.  Are you ready for this -- having some kind of alingment (?) problem or problem with sat.  They are working on it. SAID THEY MAYBE HAVE IT FIXED IN A MONTH!!!  In the mean time you and i could walk faster and have a one on one chat with whoever we are trying deal with on the system.  I AM NOT HAPPY.!! By the way sometimes it works for a few minutes but still only around 1 to 4 Mbps.