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New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)

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New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses)

Hi, new Gen 5 owner in Northern Calfornia, near Sacramento up in the foothills.  Service installed yesterday.  Slow very slow speeds.  Called tech support at Hughes today and they said they will escalate the call to engineering which means another 2 to 3 business days before I get help.


Kind of stinks since it was just installed yesterday.


Anyway, last speed test I ran was 1.1Mbps down.  Sheesh.  


Went through over an hour call with Hughes today running tests and such just to prove I am getting slow speeds.  Then told have to wait until next week to get it looked at.


In case this can help....  I am pointed at:

Satellite NameEchoStar-19-NAD

Gateway ID8

Beam ID55

Outroute ID7


Thanks for the ear.




My repoint to ES17 is done.  Promising for sure.


As speeds can always go up and down on a whim, I will ride this for a week ro two before I say it is fixed for sure but apepars we should be good to go.


Before the installer came over I had a about 1Mbps down.... and after, they are 24 and 17Mbps so far.


What appears to have suffered in the switch back to ES17 is uploads so far.  I was getting better 2Mbps before the installer came over and now getting between 800K and 1Mbps.  I can live with that.  😉  


So... so far so good.  Thanks Hughes for getting things back on track.



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Well I ran some speed test and they were up only to go down again. Does this mean the engineers are doing something? My installer called me today and he is even having the same issues. I am sticking this out only because of my installer, he is a local business owner and every cancelled contract Hughesnet takes back money from him. No I don't work for him and just met him on 9-16-17 the day of the install.


Hughesnet if you care about customers you should be contacting us with updates instead of false information like my last e-mail I would be contacted on 10-10-17 by the engineer dept!

Distinguished Professor IV



Not that I wouldn't want you to stick it out in the hopes that the service gets better, but it's just my opinion that it's wrong for an installer to guilt someone in to staying with a product because he/she might lose money, and to even tell a customer that in the first place I find very low.  


With that said, I do hope that you, and everyone else that is presently having issues, has the service improve.  

For the 1st time since being on Gen 5 my speeds this morning appear good.  Not the 40+Mbps I see others getting but compared to what I had, I am getting this AM high 20Mbps to low 30Mbps.  Not sure this will hold but will run tests all day.


Compare that with last nights last test I got 700K.  Barely able to web browse last night.


Keeping my fingers crossed.



I have the same problem. Spent many hours with tech support but absolutely no help. Gen5 is a big mistake...

Good morning folks,


No updates from engineering this morning. We hope to have something to share after we chat with them Wednesday.


Your patience and understanding are much appreciated.


If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

Slow performance? Click me!

Hi @Liz, just a note continued issues with Beam 55 in NorCal.


I am in FAP at the moment but also ran tests this AM while not in FAP and speeds are well below normal.


During FAP of course during these slow times in the evening affect FAP speeds too so feel the speeds I am getting are much lower than they should be, even during FAP.  And the speed I am getting does not seem to be real speed as web browsing ceases to work.


During the day in FAP I am getting 1.3Mbps.  That is usable.  I am happy with that myself. By evening I am down in the 500K range and it seems like unusable 500K speeds.  Everything comes to a crawl, I can't run full 25MB tests on as they fail, etc....  web just stops or comes to such a crawl things time out.


I reset my modem last night but that did not help.  Speeds this AM are very slow for NON Fap speeds.  Only 7 and 9Mbps when normally in AM we should be getting well above 25Mbps.


So yes, I think once Hughes finds this bug, hopefully FAP speeds become a more honest 1Mbps or above most the time knowing that maybe every so often it can fall under, but I would expect the normal to be at least 1Mbps or above.


Here are my tests.  Sorry the ones from late yesterday while in FAP are smaller tests but I can't even run those 25Mb tests.  Barely get these small ones done it is so slow.






Thanks for the update, TJ!


Unfortunately today's afternoon meeting was canceled. As I mentioned in the thread ecoalex started, we're just going to keep sending all of your updates showing the continued slow speeds so that it's always in front of engineering every day. We will keep pressuring them until we get more hopeful news for folks here.


Your patience and understanding are much appreciated.


If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

Slow performance? Click me!


I've had Gen 5 since it launched. It was amazing as I was coming from Gen 4 and the speeds were much faster. Sometime around the beginning of summer though the speeds were horrible from about 2p to midnight (PDT). Now it's pretty much unusable during those times. It worse than Gen 4. In real world useage I can't even stream 144p on YouTube without it buffering for 5 sec or more after playing for about 3 sec. I'm not very knowledgable about the techinical side of things but I did find out that I am also on Beam 55. I don't know if this is even correctable but please advise on what I need to do to troubleshoot this. Thanks!

Sean T.

@Liz, just for your records to pass up to engineers.... Last night was bad.

I am in FAP still but uploads were horrific.  20K.  Yes 20K.  ;-(

Downloads were sub-par but appears maybe my main issue for me unable to do much of anything last night, browsing, emails, anything... and only able to run the smallest of test sizes as they would time out otherwise.  I felt running them though was important.

The 20K uploads are pretty bad.



Distinguished Professor IV

@macsociety wrote:

I am in FAP still but uploads were horrific.  20K.  Yes 20K.  ;-( 

Just....WOW.  Man Surprised

Thanks, TJ. Sending this over.


If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

Slow performance? Click me!

Welcome TYGRHobbes,


Thanks for posting. I've already sent your feedback to the engineers. Can you please start your own topic and run speed tests so we have data to back this up?


Please create a account and run 3-5 tests during different parts of the day. Post your test results link here in your thread.

Please keep in mind that Hughesnet will only accept and the official Hughesnet speed test results. Tests from other sites like are not accepted due to the compression technologies and latency that satellite deploys.

Most important points to remember during this test:
-do the tests while directly connected to the HughesNet modem with a LAN cable (NO third party Router or Wireless devices can be used)
-use the 25MB size download test file ONLY if on Gen5 Service Plan

-If testing upload instead of download, you must use a 4MB size upload test file
-space each test at least 5 minutes apart
-post your results URL in your thread, it may look something like

For a more in depth guide on running the tests, please visit:


Your cooperation, patience, and understanding are much appreciated.


If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

Slow performance? Click me!

Sorry I haven't chimed in since my first post here, I'm running a week long test before I post it here. Currently while I'm sitting here, I'm running at 660 kbps (yes, that's a k folks!). And I'm running at full speed too (not FAP). I couldn't even do the upload tests as they would hang since I was running so slow. I can't imagine my Gen 4 was slower than this, it was slow but not this slow. Are Gen4 users having these same problems? I'm regretting switching over to Gen5. At least I was able to watch live streams at 144p with no buffering with Gen4.

On another note, I may be moving soon so I would definitely get rid of this and get either cable or fiber optic. Is HughesNet going to have the audacity to charge me a early termination fee even though the service has been horrible and not as advertised? Between that and paying more than double over normal service that would pretty much throw me over the top. A class-action <censored> seems in order.

I'm not one for jumping the gun so let's see if this can at least get resolved before other steps are taken. Good day.

Distinguished Professor IV



Please refrain from violating the Community Terms of Service (your CA suggestion).  

Painful slow speeds tonight during FAP for me but only 500K and really a dragging 500K.  ;-(

Would love 1.3Mbps I get during the morning or days during FAP.  That is usable at least for what I do.

When 500K hits, it really seems more like 100K.  And lag gets worse... instead of around 700s it is more like 1500 to 2000ms.  



I'm sorry to hear that, TJ. Thank you for the update, I'll pass this along.


If you have a tech or billing question and need help, please start a new thread in the appropriate board. Unsolicited Private Messages may not get replies.

Slow performance? Click me!

Hi @Liz, things were even worse for me last night, Monday.

158K download

13K upload

As shown on this test series from last night.

Had to run very small tests as any test larger than these would not run and time out.

I could not even post in the Hughes thread last night as the page would not come up things were so slow.

Tests today not in Fap are also very low.  5 and 7Mbps ;-(


Signed up for Hughesnet three weeks ago after purchasing a home in the Eastern Sierra area. We have had slow speed since the beginning.

To reply in this forum I am using my Verizon hotspot which runs at about 15. Thru Hughesnet we are getting from .5 to 4.

The internet has been unusable. 

Called tech support three times. Was escalated to engineering. They have not called in six days. Have run many speed tests.

How do I get my money back?

Do they have any guarantees?



@Liz, along with download speeds being super low as normal.... upload speeds as of late are so low I can't even run a upload test, even for small 256k size.  I attempt to run it and it stalls.  Was able to get one after many attempts tonight, see how bad it is attached speed test.




Something is seriously wrong.  Is engineering coming up with any conclusions of what is going on.  I can guess my barely able to even do emails is affected by lack of any upload capabilities.


18k... that is sub sub dial up speeds.


Crystal clear weather.  Reboot modem too just an hour or two ago.  Good reception coming in at 100, which is a tad above my 90s I normally get. Associated (Data IPGW - J2GIL055HNSIGW0103.

Gateway ID8

Beam ID55

Outroute ID9


Help please..



Appears my slow speeds have carried over from yesterday.  Only 11AM here and I just barely had an upload test work, a whole big 256K one.... how does 12K sound.  Pretty bad.  ;-(


Will reboot modem again in a few and see if that helps.



Distinguished Professor IV

That's considerably slower than what I used to get with my legacy plan.  Just....WOW.