Forum Discussion

kmizell's avatar
New Poster
7 years ago

RTMP protocol error

I am trying to connect to a VIPKid online classroom with real-time video communication.  I continue to get an error that says "RTMP protocol" has been disabled.  It only happens when I try to sign on using HughesNet.  Another user posted the same problem, but i don't see if the they found the solution.  Is there a way to change a setting in our HughesNet Gen 5 system to correct this?  Is there a software program I can download? 



  • Sadly, even a business plan can't improve the inherent latency over satellite. From the sounds of that second link I posted VipKid is not going to work unless someone else posts here saying they did. No way possible to get even close to 100ms ping.

  • BirdDog's avatar
    Assistant Professor

    No idea if it will help but try turning off both Web Acceleration and the Video Data Saver. If that doesn't work then one of the mods will probably have to jump in.


    EDIT: Noticed on their site that it requires an HD camera and steady 20Mbps speed so the requirements are pretty steep.



    EDIT 2: This site says a ping/latency of 100ms or less is needed which is a killer with satellite which is 600ms and higher.


    • kmizell's avatar
      New Poster

      Thank you so much for your suggestions.  This is so frustrating.  HughesNet tech support suggested I move to a business plan.  I had HughesNet installed just for working with VipKid.

      • BirdDog's avatar
        Assistant Professor

        Sadly, even a business plan can't improve the inherent latency over satellite. From the sounds of that second link I posted VipKid is not going to work unless someone else posts here saying they did. No way possible to get even close to 100ms ping.